Evelyn Addams

Name | Evelyn Addams |
Race | Human |
Type | Necromancer |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | The Anax: Call of the Cursed One |
Relative(s) | Brittany Addams, Katelyn Addams, Luella Addams, Gloria Addams, Roger Addams |
Evelyn Addams
"I talk to the dead..."
The Anax: Call of the Cursed One
As seen in the novel, The Anax: Call of the Cursed One, Evelyn Addams is a necromancer that runs afoul of The Anax. Evelyn Addams was born on Long Island, in New York. Evelyn had always had a difficult time forming emotional connections, but felt very close to her grandparents. As a small child, the evening after her grandfather passed away, she remembered him coming into her room and they chatted long into the night. The rest of the family cried and ached with his physical absence, yet she did not, and that caused her parents great concern. Her grandmother had been just as worried, but Eve told her that she talked to her dead husband, and in her anger, her grandmother dared Eve to tell her a secret that only he would know. Her grandfather saw this as an opportunity to help Eve and give his wife peace, so he divulged one, and when Eve told her, she began to believe her. When she died, there was no one alive to protect Evelyn from the constant bombardment of disbelief from her parents.
In her elementary and middle schools, the same problem cursed Eve. She would see and talk to spirits just as if she was talking to the living. Even with all the constant harassment from students and faculty, Eve refused to give in, even though everyone said she was crazy. Eve suffered from terrible depression after her family, with the best of intentions, had her committed into a psychiatric institution because she conversed openly with her deceased grandparents after her mother and father repeatedly told her not to.
Now incarcerated, even her deceased grandparents begged their young granddaughter to tell the psychiatrists that she could no longer see or hear the dead and, when Eve refused to obey them, for her own welfare, they abandoned Evelyn and went into the Inner Light. With their departure from the vibratory frequency of the Physical World, Evelyn finally experienced the grief the rest of her family had previously endured with the departure of her grandparents, and at age eighteen, after nearly four years, the state released her back into the care of her parents. For several years, she pretended to ignore ghosts. Then one day her older twin sisters, Brittany and Katelyn took her out shopping. The trio came upon a strange bookstore, The Library, and obtaining The Book of Shadows, she felt vindicated by The Librarian, and stopped hiding her abilities. A few years later, she was independent, and she put her powers to use by helping a ghost-hunting group named the Female Phantom Finders.
With the Female Phantom Finders, Shiloh Hazeldine, Kaya Dabrezil, Moonbeam Sunflower, Harper Jones, and Sadie Garner, Evelyn used her innate ability to speak with and see the dead as a means to take their ghost hunting paranormal investigations to new heights. With Eve as a medium, they helped countless spirits find peace. The group event ventured outside to New York State, for example visiting the halls of Hawthorn Asylum near Portland, Oregon, and helping all the lost souls there find their way into the Inner Light. However, one particular ghost hunt would forever mar the friendship between Harper and Eve.
Personally summoned by the New York District Attorney, Amelia Williams, the group was tasked with removing any spirits they found from an abandoned church, La Resurrección on Elton Avenue in The Bronx. Amelia claimed that the area had strange occurrences. People would disappear and would report strange lights and fog around the old church. Though the group's psychic, Moonbeam, felt as though something was off about Amelia, she kept silent. What the group did not know was that Amelia had become a possessed puppet of the evil phantom, Dagan Erebus. The Haunted D.A. had invited the women there so that Dagan could feed on their souls, because he had grown wary of this group that aided ghosts.
Once there, late into the night, Evelyn and Harper were investigating as a team. Evelyn, breaking protocol, went into the church by herself. There, she clearly could see Dagan. At first Dagan disbelieved that someone he had not possessed could see him, but Evelyn clearly could. As she and Dagan conversed, he quickly learned that Evelyn had interacted with The Librarian. This ancient spirit had confiscated the Codex Gigas from Dagan, and it was his monomaniacal obsession to retrieve the tome. Now, knowing that Evelyn must have access to her, Dagan immediately wanted Eve's soul.
There, within her mind and soul, he discovered that Evelyn fetishized being possessed by darkness since her childhood. Now, this was a chance to actually do it in real life, and she ceased any resistance, even aiding him in draining her own willpower. The evil phantom relished the experience, usually having to fight to control a mortal. Now, one of the Daganians, or Haunted, Eve, a husk for Dagan, rose to her feet. She was eager to betray Harper, whom she knew would soon notice her missing.
Evelyn went to Harper, and Evelyn blocked Harper's escape. As she sexually assaulted Harper, she admitted that Dagan was not even controlling her directly- Eve was doing all this by herself. This would come back to haunt her in the future. However, for now, she relished living out her corruption fetish. However, as she aided Dagan in possessing Harper, Moonbeam, having sensed something evil happening, found the debauchery and called out to her Goddess of Light, a plea that upon the highest frequencies of the Inner Light, Illuminarius, Isis heard and responded.
Brilliant light filled the cold, dark room, cleansing Evelyn of possession and exorcising Dagan. As Eve fell unconscious, Dagan fled into the night. After this event, the relationship between Harper and Evelyn remained strained, as Harper now feared Eve, knowing that deep down she would want to be evil. Evelyn apologized but it never healed the rift. However, time marched onwards and the group continued to host paranormal investigations. Eve, however, had the Book of Shadows, and it seemingly contained a single spell and article- how to summon the Shadow Lord, Anax. This was a soul that they all felt could be redeemed, and secretly, Evelyn hoped by freeing this soul from the Shadowlands that she could prove to Harper that she would not let her dark fantasies ever rule her again.
By summoning the creature on camera, it would be manifested in the Physical World. This also meant, to Eve's joy, that everyone present and the cameras would be witness to the entity. With the book in hand, the Female Phantom Finders traveled to Ghost Nook, where they planned to summoned the powerful spirit known as the Anax. The team wanted to document more proof of the paranormal for their social media channel and for scientific inquiry. They were ferried across Big Moose Lake by Clare Thorndike on her boat. Once they arrived, they set about exploring the island and happened upon Ravenhurst Manor. This massive Victorian mansion sprawled across entire acres of land. Within the massive mansion, Eve found a photograph of a beautiful woman and a poem. She slid the photo into her book. Once they had explored it, they made their way into the nearby woods.
In the woods, they soon came upon the ruins of a stone tower. It appeared to have been built during the Revolutionary War, but now it was mostly derelict. The group had no idea that this had once been the lair of the shadow witch, Eleanora Blackwood, the very person that owned the Book of Shadows that Evelyn now held. Continuing, Moonbeam's psychic awareness urged her to turn back. The psionic vibrations within the woods terrified and concerned her. But, they had been seeking this place for years, and having found it, Evelyn managed to convince them to continue.
The further they ventured towards the center of the forest, the darker and colder it grew. Eventually, they reached a clearing, and though there were no clouds overhead, it seemed almost as dark as night. Before them all, in the center of this dark, freezing clearing, stood a tree that appeared to be screaming. The Twisted Tree loomed before them all as if daring them to remain and urging them all to flee. Moonbeam could feel the Shadowlands itself seemingly hidden just under the fabric of reality here, as if the thin shell of an egg was all that separated our world from the plane of utter darkness. However, whoever summoned the Anax, within a pentacle circle of protection, could safely interact with the entity.
Unphased, Evelyn again checked the Book of Shadows on how to summon the Anax, but was interrupted by her sister Brittany and Brittany's wannabe 'coven' of New Age witches, Angela Johnson, Chelsea Moretti, Farrah Foster, Lexus Kingsley, Madison Lee, and Mercedes Everett. The two groups could not have been more different and they began squabbling. Eventually, Evelyn prepared to summon the Anax, but then she was pushed away by her sister Brittany. Skulking, Evelyn went into the nearby woods and there she met the ghost of a dead confederate soldier named Nathaniel Wyatt. Nathaniel's group of saboteurs had been slain by the Anax, and right before the boogeyman claimed Nathaniel, he took his own life saving the ancestor of Howard and Bo Wyatt from being Shadowed.
Nate warned Evelyn to get off the island before sunset because the Anax would come. However, she was there specifically for the Anax and so she disregarded his ominous warning. Later she ended up at the house of the Reverend Roger Adams, her own great-great-great grandfather. She then met the ghosts of her great-great aunts, Luella and Gloria Addams. The two ghosts had been haunting the island for almost two centuries, hiding from the Anax every Halloween so that he would not claim their souls. Only once this pair made it clear enough to Evelyn of the utter power of the boogeyman, did she finally decide that it would be best to go back to the Twisted Tree and tried to avoid summoning the dark entity.
As Eve sprinted back and the sun hung low in the sky, a cold wind began to flow over the island. Raven caws echoed out and the old bell of an abandoned church seemed to ring as if a warning to all life that Halloween night had come. Some deep, unimaginable fear welled up within Evelyn, as if her very body knew that she should never have come to Ghost Nook Island. Then in the forest, black shadowy things slinked among the trees. Staring at her with red eyes, these spirits, Dark Fogs, had never been human and never known flesh. They wanted to possess the bodies of the women, but were invisible and intangible in the day, with the sun setting, they were beginning to manifest in the Physical World.
Eve ran even harder, the dark fogs at her heels, but when she neared the clearing that housed the Twisted Tree, the dark beings fled, refusing to go to the spot. She noticed it, and it made her hair stand on end, because it meant even they feared the Anax. She made it to the circle, to find Brittany celebrating. Green light seemed to be pouring out of a small hole at the base of the tree. Eve was too late, for as with every year since his death on Halloween, once the sun set, a hole a portal to the Outer Darkness would open and the Anax would appear. They all stood in rapt terror as the very appearance of the Anax seemed to freeze them in place. He immediately went about absorbing The souls of those around him.
Having been hanged by Roger Addams, and learning that Brittany and Evelyn were also Addams, he chased the sisters first. He targeted Brittany because of his hatred for witches, due to Eleanora Blackwood, and she had been bragging about being a witch. Of course, it was delusionary, and it was Eve that had any magical power. But, ignorant of this, the Anax pressed his claw into Brittany's brain and used her fear, autophobia, to break her mind and steal her soul, turning her into one of his Shadowed minions called Autophobes.
As she hid in the dark woods, the Anax and now Brittany both seeking her, the Book of Shadows suddenly revealed itself as a sentient artifact. It could shake and vibrate, turn its pages, but it could speak by the ink of its pages, made from shadow itself, writing the words. It drew a map of the entire island, urging her to reach Clare's boat as quickly as possible. Like most undead, water was something the Anax could not cross, and if she could get to the lake, she could be spared. It was a chilly autumn night, so swimming would mean hypothermia and death, but the boat could save her.
It said she was in The Haunted Woods for now, and was then interrupted as Farrah approached. Then she and Farrah stumbled upon Harper. At that moment the book told Eve that it sensed the Anax had left the Haunted Woods and that now should be her chance to reach Clare and the boat. However, it then did something that gave Evelyn a pause- it showed her the Spell of Mind Control. It told her to enslaved Farrah and Harper to her will. For a moment, that struggle of her inner darkness, her fetish to control and be controlled wrestled with the good inside her heart and she resisted the urges, slamming the book closed.
Now the trio, Eve, Farrah, and Harper had to backtrack to reach the boat, and that put them through the clearing. And there, sexually writhing against the Twisted Tree- was Brittany Addams. Her skin was dead and gray, her eyes glowing the same green as those of the Anax, and she mocked them all. With the powers of an autophobe, Brittany could turn invisible and stealth, and she pursued them until they ran into high cliffs overlooking the lake. Eve never was exactly pure, and when it came down to a choice between herself or the others, she chose to sacrifice Farrah. She pushed her to Brittany and she and Harper fled. Eventually Brittany presented Farrah to her Master and the Anax stole her soul, though undermining her fear, acrophobia, turning Farrah into an Acrophobe.
As torrential rain falls, Harper and Eve find the abandoned tower again. They explore the remaining parts of the old battlement, and find a hidden room within the basement. The Anax arrives and the pair flee to the upper tower with plans to jump down. Evelyn leaps down, and survives because the wet ground is soft. She urged Harper to jump, and turns to see a shadowed Clare. When Brittany had turned, she quickly warned her new Master of the boat that could save them, so that is where he had traveled when he left the Haunted Woods. The Anax had used Clare's claustrophobia to steal her soul and make her into a Claustrophobe. Having no recourse, Evelyn fled leaving Harper to her fate.
Next she stumbled upon Moonbeam looking out at the sunk boat. As am empath, the Anax uses Moonbeam to stall Eve by making them both envision a boat that turns out to be only flotsam. As they discover this, still in a bid to keep them until he can arrive, the Anax fills Moonbeam with a rush of euphoric estrus and she becomes uncharacteristically wanton. She then tries to grab Eve and hold her until the Anax can come claim them both, her addled mind responding the his emotions. Eve managed to escape, and when the Anax arrives, he uses the liberal hippy's tyrannophobia to turn her into a devoutly fascist Tyrannophobe.
Evelyn spends some more time hiding as the Book of Shadows futilely tries to convince Eve to go and hide in the gigantic Ravenhurst Manor. She refuses, thinking it would be the most dangerous place on the island and she makes her way to the old church, instead, hoping hallowed ground might keep the boogeyman at bay. With the wings of a bat and in much larger than before, the Anax falls from the ceiling, crushing pews into splinters. Finally, the Anax thinks he has the other Addams girl, but just then gunshots ring out as Chelsea fires at the Anax, Mercedes cowering behind her.
Using his hypnotic eyes, the Anax twists Chelsea's vision and she suddenly sees him as Eve and Mercedes and the women as the Anax. Turning her gun on the women, the pair flee as she fires at them. However, she misses, and the survive. Meanwhile at the church, the Anax does not pass up the opportunity for a free minion, and he uses Chelsea's nosophobia to shatter her mind and turn her into a Nosophobe.
Eve and Mercedes reach the old abandoned town of Wakefield. They find an abandoned home and within find Lexus and Madison. The Anax then arrives inside the abandoned town as well saying that he can sense the ebb and flow of nearby terror and knows they are hiding. Eve then leads the three other women to the old Addams House where she met her ghostly ancestors in the afternoon. They discover that both Gloria and Luella have been corrupted by the Anax and turned into Shadowed Ghosts. However, only Evelyn and see and hear the spirits and Madison, Lexus, and Mercedes think she is insane.
Gloria possesses Mercedes, and soon after, Luella possesses Lexus' body. The two possessed women then try to seduce Eve and Madison to keep them there until the Anax can arrive. Evelyn and Madison rush outside. However, the shadowed Brittany, Moonbeam, Farrah, and Chelsea arrive at the house as Moonbeam says that she senses Eve and Madison nearby. As the Anax arrives and goes into the Addams house, Eve and Madison jump down an abandoned well taking their chances below. Inside the Addams home, Luella and Gloria present their hostbodies to the Anax.
He uses Lexus' trypophobia to warp her soul into that of a Trypophobe. And for Mercedes he uses her odontophobia to corrupt her into a Odontophobe. The Anax and the shadowed women have figured out that Eve and Madison have gone down into the cave systems under the island and Mercedes, being such a small person, can fit through a crack in the ground. She tumbles down, breaking bones and smashing into the caves. In Evelyn style, she pushes the wounded Madison into the waiting arms of Mercedes and flees, leaving her behind. Eve does not make it too far when Clare and Farrah show up. However, they seem to hit an invisible barrier.
As Moonbeam and Brittany yell, Eve leaves the Shadowed behind and makes her way out of the cave system. As she emerges into the night air, she is met by an extremely old and wizened gypsy woman named Mizah. She follows the old woman back to an ancient abandoned gypsy camp where only Mizah's own wagon appears still useable. She warms Evelyn with the stove's heat and offers her food and drink, letting Eve's clothes dry. She assures Evelyn that it is safe here because of a barrier of Light Magic that she has erected. She then tells Evelyn the story of one-hundred-and-fifty years ago. Anaximanes Ravenhurst had been a friend to her and her people.
She tells Eve about the evil Eleanora Blackwood, and how Eve's book was cursed. She also told about a succubus named Dionyza that came long before the land had become an island. She then speaks of swarms of Nightbred, vampires, that came to the island. From those times onward, only misery remained in this once happy place. Finally the Anax arrives at the wagon. He tells Mizah to simply give him Evelyn Addams and he will spare Mizah if she does so. Of course, she declines. Mizah told Evelyn not to go, and that the shield could not possibly be broken. However, the Anax, by this point over the past 200 years, had amassed thousands upon thousands of souls, and his power stood incredibly great. He smashed to the barrier, picked up the gypsy trailer, and tossed it into the sky. When it came plummeting back to Earth it smashed the bits.
Mizah had been crushed in the debris, killed instantly, but Evelyn had miraculously survived mostly unscathed, however she could not move from abject fear as the boogeyman loomed over her ready to make her one of his shadow minions. Just then, a ball of light slammed into him, and the two of them turned to see a very young vibrant Mizah sitting in the limbs of a nearby tree. White holy light bathed her like an aura, she said that she felt free now. With that, Mizah began to throw more balls of light at the Anax, keeping his attention so that Evelyn could escape. And she did so.
Once again hiding in the Haunted Woods, the Book of Shadows shook and she opened it. It tries to tell her not to believe Mizah and that Eve can trust it. When she refuses, it says it will answer her questions and reluctantly does so. It explains that the reason it originally showed her the spell to summon the Anax was that it wanted Eve to summon him and help him shed his shadows. This would have freed all the thousands of souls within the boogeyman, and made him just another mortal soul of the light. At that point, the book intended to convince Eve to shackle him to her will or worse, because the book wanted revenge on Anaximanes for having killed its Mistress, Eleanora Blackwood.
At that point the book offers to teach her a spell of the god, Ophion, that will absolutely help her off the island, but it is a trick the spell is actually the Spell of Submission, which would have made her the thrall of the book. As another thunderstorm rolls onto the island, in a bid to hide and stay dry, Evelyn then fled to Ravehurst Manor itself. As the book suggests going upstairs to hide, Evelyn, distrustful of it and showing a rebellious nature goes down into the basement, quickly stumbling upon Angela and Shiloh. Shiloh says Kaya had gone upstairs.
Hearing noises, the three women then find Sadie hiding in a dark corner of another room in the basement. While this had been going on, upstairs, the Anax had found Kaya and using her pyrophobia to feed off her fear, he turned her into a Pyrophobe. Now converted, she finds Eve and the others. Shiloh, being Kaya's girlfriend, sacrifices herself so the other can escape. It will later be revealed that the Anax used her arachnophobia to mutate Shiloh into a spidery Arachnophobe.
As Eve, Sadie, and Angela continued moving around the mansion to find a place to hide, the Book of Shadows suddenly violently shook and when Eve read it, it warned her that it could sense the Anax in very next room to them. As the trio bolt upstairs, Angela and Eve stuck together, but Sadie chose a different room in which to hide. The Anax is lured to Sadie whom tries to lock him inside the room. It does not go well and Sadie winds up in the old nursery where he uses her pediophobia to turn her into a Pediophobe. She then helps search as Angela gives herself to her girlfriend, Brittany. The Anax then uses Angela's gerascophobia, turning her into a Gerascophobe.
Now alone, Evelyn manages to hide up in the attic. Here the book says that she is last remain mortal of her original party to still live- the others are all now Shadowed. It then tries to convince her that her only chance now would be to use Shadow Magic. They discovered Evelyn in the attic, so she leapt down four stories landing in bushes and ran back into the Haunted Woods. Soon, she came upon the Abandoned Tower again to find Lexus guarding it. Finally, having no other choice, Eve uses Shadow Magic. Casting the Spell of Command Undead, a euphoria flows through Eve.
The spell tries to force Lexus into Eve's thralldom, but so powerful is the link between the Shadowed and the Anax, that the result is Lexus' head exploding. Next she ran afoul of the dark fogs from sunset. Dozens of black amorphous shapes watched her with red eyes eager to wear her flesh like a glove and experience the sensation of a body. With the fogs having never been human, they were always demonic in nature, denizens of the Outer Darkness. As they made to possess Evelyn, she casts Spell of Demonic Command. A darkness continued growing in Evelyn, but the spell worked and the dark fogs became her slaves. She ordered them to protect her from the Anax, and now, devoid of their own wills, they complied. The Anax tore them to shreds, but it gave Evelyn time.
Next she passed a Shadowed Harper lying in the woods, but knew it to be a trap. However, not much further on her way, Farrah attacked. Now Eve cast the Spell of Shadow Webs. From her hand sprang webbing as if from a spinneret and she wrapped Farrah in the dark bindings. However, the spells were taking a toll on Eve and her sanity. Her next obstacle would be Sadie. This time the book taught her the Spell of Shadow Frost. A shadowy storm colder than the vacuum of space poured through the area trapping Sadie in a solid block of shadow ice. As Evelyn neared the Twisted Tree again, Angela stood before her.
Instead of a direct attack, she cast the Spell of Dark Duplicity on herself. This filled the area will several Dark Duplicates of Evelyn, and she moved on as Angela fought the mirages, unsure which was the real Evelyn. When she reached the clearing and the tree, Brittany was waiting just like earlier in the night. Eve's eyes glowed purple and her skin had taken a sickly hue as the darkness built within her. Brittany quickly pinned Eve down, and the book almost let Evelyn die, because to it she was a pawn. However, Eve yelled to remind it that if she became a Shadowed Slave the first thing that she would do was destroy the book. Reluctantly, it opened itself and divulged a new spell. Casting the Spell of Shackle Undead, chains made of pure shadow wrapped around Brittany binding her and even gagging her mouth.
Though this was Eve's sister and normally she would have felt sad at the loss of her family, with the growing shadow inside her heart, she mocked her dead sister. Digging through the mud, Evelyn was desperate to find Anax's fetter, because according to the Book of Shadows, if she had his fetter, she could cast a spell to turn him into her slave. She found it, and the moment that she did, the voice of the Anax, panicked and angry bellowed out across the entire island. He told the creatures of the island that if any of them wanted to claim her, he would not only spare them, but reward them. This now meant every evil thing on Ghost Nook, whether known or unknown, would not be swarming the place looking for the last living human on the island. The skull then bit her hand and she dropped it in the dark mud, but had no time to retrieve it.
Evelyn fled the clearing, avoiding Dark Husks, the bodies worn by Dark Fogs. The zombies rose from the mud in droves, their red, glowing eyes locked onto Eve, but the bodies were rotting and old, and that made them slow. Each one of the dark fogs in the bodies wanted Eve's flesh to animate a fresh corpse again. However, she managed to escape. Heading down to the beach, she surmised that the sun would rise sometime soon. And she mourned momentarily for her friends, but a dark, deep voice gnawed at her psyche. This was not the Anax, but the only entity to ever be stronger- Chernobog. Every time Evelyn used a spell, she grew closer to losing herself to the shadow.
Chelsea then attacked on the beach and Evelyn countered with the Spell of Bedlam Lust. Suddenly, Chelsea was driven mad with carnality, and began to lewdly pleasure herself, unable to stop. Next it is Clare that appeared, and as she tried to capture Evelyn, the necromancer cast Spell of Shadow Bolt. A bolt of pure shadow energy struck out like lightning, cleaving Clare to pieces. Of course, as a Shadowed, this was only a momentary setback as her demonically undead form began healing immediately.
Now the evil Kaya and Shiloh ganged up on Eve. This time she cast the Spell of Unholy Twister. A massive tornado of pure shadow magic whipped into existence, tearing the two struggling shadowed slaves into it and flinging them both hundreds of feet into the air. Her demeanor and body began warping because Eve cast so many powerful spells in so short a time. Next Madison assailed Eve, and she cast Spell of Hungering Void. A pit to the Outer Darkness opened, writhing tentacles of shadow slithering out to pull prey into the other dimension.
Now Evelyn made her way down a dirt path where Mercedes awaited her. The diminutive woman faced off against an Evelyn no longer in control of her own mind. Shadow consumed Eve and she looked at Mercedes not with fear or pity, but as a toy with which to play. Evelyn used the Spell of Shadow Slime. This conjured liquid darkness which enveloped and began digesting Mercedes. Eve then ordered the slime away and it left, carrying an unwilling Mercedes off with it.
When Moonbeam attacks, Eve's depression, anger, and lust for dominance finally shatters the remnants of her original self. In a parody of the Anax, and much like him, she gains a shadow form. In this she is a shadow person, a void, a being of utter darkness, a boogeywoman, a Shadow Queen. Now, for the first time, a Shadowed minion shows fear, and Moonbeam actually skitters away. With the darkness of Chernobog within Evelyn, she now no longer desires to leave the island to live. She wants to leave it so that she can reach the mainland and begin to spread her shadow to any and all souls of Earth, however, like the Anax, she cannot cross water. That is when Brittany calls out and Eve turns to see all the shadowed slaves in one place.
The assembled throng have each regenerated and free themselves from her spells, and now they intend to strike as a pack, all at once. However, so powerful has Eve and her powers grown that with a simple flick of her wrist, she tears open the very ground under the shadowed. Eve summons a massive portal to the Shadowlands themselves, a feat unimaginable by most magic users, the maw opens up sending them all helplessly falling into the darkness and then Eve simply seals closes the portal, having defeated a small army of powerful creatures with little effort at all.
The Anax, shocked and in complete aww approaches Evelyn. At first, he believes what he sees to be a magical illusion, something Eleanora once used when he was alive. However, after he strikes, Evelyn does something no other entity had managed to do since Anaximanes died- she wounded the Anax. She now claimed that he would bend a knee to her as would all being in all of existence. As the Anax looked at her and listened to her, he had a strange epiphany. This is what he had become as well. His grief, guilt, pain, depression, angry, misanthropy, it had all consumed him and be became what he was.
Now, a feeling he had not known in a very long time, pity, filled his heartless heart. When he spoke this, Eve lashed out and again managed to harm him, raking her claws over his chest and opening massive wounds in his humanoid form. Then an idea came to him. The Anax did not lash out, he did not strike, he wrapped his arms around her as a hug. Their shadows melded and he felt her pain. He tasted her anger, he knew that she was an outsider, like he had been. Like a leech he began feast on the poisonous darkness of Chernobog, as she yelled out to stop, he continued. And soon the overpowering darkness had been devoured.
As the power waned, the Anax stumbled back and Eve's form became mortal again. Though he clothes had been devoured by her unholy aura, the Book of Shadows, a magical artifact, remained in tact. It appeared as she fell to the ground, it too tumbling to the sand. Eve looked up with he humanity restored, her body weak. The Anax spent a moment, his mind still reeling that another human could possibly have felt what he had, known what he knew- a kindred soul that could truly understand him. Lurching forward, she now felt all the guilt that had been missing all night and demanded he shadow her as she deserved it. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed, and the Anax was about to oblige when he glanced down at the book in the sand.
As the tome had fallen, the picture of the woman that Eve had tucked inside it had fallen free. This woman, Eliza Day, had been the love of his life, his everything, his every thought, his every want, his only need, and he had accidentally robbed her of life. He had killed that which he loved most, and now, she smiled up at him from this picture, a picture he had taken himself with his dguerreotype. He realized that he had not visited Eliza's grave- something he did every Halloween without fail, and in that moment, Evelyn was forgotten, the impending sunrise meant he had scant seconds to reach the graveyard and weep upon her grave.
Eve waited a moment and another, and as the sounds of nature- something missing all night- began to appear around her, she opened her eyes to see the sunrise. For a moment, Eve stood completely dumbfounded. She picked up the Book of Shadows and it was shocked that she survived the night. It tried to then convince her to use the fetter to enslave the Anax and create an entire undead with her immense and natural necromantic powers. It even told her that she could summon a portal to simply walk off the island- something it had not shared all night as it was hoping to have the Anax destroyed by sunrise.
Angry Eve threatened to destroy the book. This seemed to silence it and it no longer tried to so directly corrupt her again. She refused to use magic to get off the now bright and peaceful island. As she cried for the loss of her friends and her sister, Brittany, all of whom would not spend eternity in the Shadowlands with the Anax, Eve made her way back to the Twisted Tree. There, she dug around in the mud and again found the skull. Without Anax in the Physical World, it was just a normal skull again. Nude, dirty, and shivering, Evelyn took the only two items she had, the Book of Shadows and the Skull of Ravenhurst and wandered the island, eventually finding an old canoe in some reeds. Eve took it to shore and started a whole new life.
Between The Anax: Call of the Cursed One and Desideratum: Blood Bonds
Now with the knowledge that she was an inherent necromancer, she began to try to use her newfound magic. Since she had the fetter of the Anax, she summoned him at night and controlled everything that he did. He was unable do anything about it, and so she used him to do things she needed and could not do, like busting open ATM machines- she needed money after all. Over time she slowly honed her magical skills, originally only able to animate a severed hand, she eventually was able to animate an entire corpse, creatures called The Risen.
The Anax himself started out very obstinate and kept himself from communicating with Evelyn unless she forced him to do so. But as the weeks turned to months and she summoned him nightly, he slowly began to find her interesting as he watched her powers develop. In fact, the duo began to collect artifacts that the Book of Shadows would tell them about. A ploy to eventually lead them to its Mistress, Eleanora Blackwood, as it knew Anax would obsessively want her slain. Before a strike on a museum in Texas, she thought she might need a few corpses to fight of any police that might arrive. As Evelyn practiced her magic, she accidentally reanimated the entire graveyard at once creating an army of zombies. However the Shadow Magic threatened again to consume her, and though she broke her control over the zombies they remained animated, only wild, and it was the Anax that she had to command to destroy them all. Eventually, the Book of Shadows told her about the Scepter of Osiris, and how it could be used to destroy Eleanora Blackwood. Following the trail of the artifact they made their way to Portland, Oregon.
Desideratum: Blood Bonds
As seen in the novel, Desideratum: Blood Bonds the Book of Shadows had told Evelyn Addams about the Scepter of Osiris, and how it could be used to destroy Eleanora Blackwood. Following the trail of the artifact they made their way to Portland, Oregon. Evelyn spent the first night there conjuring the Anax and finally sitting him down to talk as if they were friends. And by this point, though neither of them would admit it, they were definitely friends. And, in fact, both of them had developed romantic feelings for each other.
He then told her about his life in the 1800s and how he had come about to become the boogeyman that he was. After his story she had a new found respect and understanding for this creature- she no longer saw him so much as a evil monstrosity but instead as a tortured soul, artistic and poetic- and tragic.
The following night they made their way to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and were stopped by police. The reason the museum was being watched so carefully due to only a couple of nights prior, at the behest of Lord Ivor, Brone Lorcan had broken into the museum and stolen the Book of Thoth. To her credit, Evelyn did try to persuade the police to stand down; however, they refused and she had no choice but to order the Anax to claim their souls.
At the same time that they were outside, Absinthe van Gothen had also arrived at the museum and slipped inside by using the Helm of Hades to become invisible. Once she entered the museum, she set out on her own mission was to collect the very same scepter. It did not take long before Evelyn and the Anax stumbled upon Abby. As they had done with the police, they urged Absinthe to simply go, but headstrong and determined to get the scepter the Night Stalker refused.
As Abby moved through the museum she faced Shadowed, such as arachnophobes and nosophobes, and Risen, such as mummies and skeletons that Evelyn Addams had animated. Eve grew impressed the longer Absinthe managed to continue, though the the Anax practically begged to consume Absinthe's soul. Finally, now herself growing vexed, Eve animated a tyrannosaurus rex skeleton. Using bombs, Abby managed to defeat the abomination and continued to give swift chase.
Finally, Eve and the Anax reached the area of the museum about Egypt, and there at the sarcophagus of Khufu, Absinthe confronted the shadowy pair. Khufu had been interred with both the Scepter of Isis and the Scepter of Osiris. As Eve worked on unsealing the enchantments of the sarcophagus she ordered the Anax to stop Abby. Absinthe expected another fight like those before him, but his very aura seemed to distort time and space. His very un-nature, like a walking void shaped as a man, appeared to tear at the fringes of her consciousness and none of her weapons could harm him. She found herself surrounded by a swarm of his minions, and as she stood frozen in abject fear the massive boogeyman approached, his nightmarish visage reflected in Absinthe's crying eyes.
However, in that moment, the Shadowed, including the Anax, instantly vanished into nothingness. At his banishment, Absinthe found that she could move again, r fear draining away. She looked up to watch Evelyn rush by in terror. Eve feared Khufu, as the mummy had, with only a wave of his scepter, sent all the Shadowed horde back to the Shadowlands. Absinthe then fought the ancient Pharoah and managed to destroy him using the fiery sword, Dyrnwyn. Ready to claim her prize, she became upset as Evelyn had summoned the Anax again. However, Eve faced off against Absinthe herself.
Eve's shadow magicks threatened to consume her sanity. Finally, unable to beat Absinthe, but scared of losing herself to shadow, Eve ordered the Anax to defeat Abby for good. Again the Anax, unstoppable by any means Absinthe could possibly possess, closed in on her and made ready to turn her into a Shadowed slave. Just before his glowing claw slid into Abby's skull, he stopped at the behest of Brone Lorcan. The nosferatu was once the butler and best friend of Anaximanes Ravenhurst, the man whom had become the Anax. For a moment, the two old friends talked.
Then the Nightbred assassin known as The Reaper attacked to slay Brone, as he had previously escaped her grasp. However, the Anax swiftly and effortlessly shadowed the Reaper, turning her into one of his own minions and sending her to the Shadowlands. After further discussion, it was decided that Brone would return to the Shanghai Tunnels to watch over Clover Riley, and Evelyn and the Anax would go to Sanctuary with Absinthe to aid in the battle against the Nightbred on the next evening.
Evelyn is a young woman with a goth aesthetic, pale skin, and black hair.