Cereborged Emily Harbrook

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Name Cereborged Emily Harbrook
Race Cereborgs
Type Synthetic
Faction Cereborgs
Premiere Cereborg: Inception
Relative(s) Not Applicable

Cereborged Emily Harbrook

"This unit serves Cerebrum."


Cereborg: Inception

As seen in the novel, Cereborg: Inception, Emily Harbrook is subjected to a transformation after testing a nanite infested device. Starting as a ploy from Cerebrum, Emily became his first Cereborg. She now plans to systematically convert the rest of the world to his cause.


When Cereborged, Emily has closely knit synthetic plates around her body. She has electric blue features, and an enhanced, lithe figure.


  • Immense Physical Strength
  • Nanites

Notes and Trivia

Emily received an email from CereTech offering her a job as a tester. Cerebrum (the lead A.I.) did not have a connection to the outside world, but the girl had done a few sex cam sessions for Marv as he sat in his office doing the usual work of a CEO. He had offered to pay her even more money for more shows- or even more to be his personal call girl. In desperation she had given him her email- but she had no idea who he was. Cerebrum took that information, and using Madeline as a slave, she sent it to Emily, luring her to the installation.

Cerebrum needed someone sexual. By this point, it had witnessed so much sexual acts in the workplace, and it had watched Chieko Naru, in the privacy of her own room, masturbating to the idea of being a robot. It concluded that Marv’s weapon, more or less, did the same thing. Thus, it logically deduced that to weaken human minds- sex seemed to be the key. As such, it created a hypno-program that was capable of inducting humans hypnotically. It would continue to refine the tech throughout the attack on CereTech, but even its very first renditions were enough to reach its goal. Once Emily arrived, she was led to a specific testing room, one that Cerebrum scheduled for her, and when she inserted a glowing dildo into her sex, she soon fell victim to powerful nanites. They went about replacing her organic flesh with synthetic technology. They also replaced parts of her brain and reprogrammed her into a loyal cereborg slave.

Cerebrum needed someone sexual. By this point, it had witnessed so much sexual acts in the workplace, and it had watched Chieko Naru, in the privacy of her own room, masturbating to the idea of being a robot. It concluded that Marv’s weapon, more or less, did the same thing. Thus, it logically deduced that to weaken human minds- sex seemed to be the key. As such, it created a hypno-program that was capable of inducting humans hypnotically. It would continue to refine the tech throughout the attack on CereTech, but even its very first renditions were enough to reach its goal. Once Emily arrived, she was led to a specific testing room, one that Cerebrum scheduled for her, and when she inserted a glowing dildo into her sex, she soon fell victim to powerful nanites. They went about replacing her organic flesh with synthetic technology. They also replaced parts of her brain and reprogrammed her into a loyal cereborg slave.

Immediately she converted Dr. Karloff, and soon, scientists Rodney and Megan fell to her. Throughout the assault on the humans, Emily performed flawlessly, and without her intervention, cerebrum would have failed much sooner. However, by the time Chieko had arrived to end Cerebrum, Emily’s cereborg programming seemed to fail. The 25% of her mind that contained her personality, somehow, managed to overcome Cerebrum’s hold. Chieko shut her down, and ran diagnostics to see if the cereborg had lied, only to find that Emily was telling the truth. Once confirmed, she was rebooted, and though distrusted and hated, she now follows the CereTech survivors across a wasteland of Earth as they fight against the infectulons. However, the question is, how did she overcome the programming? Was it on her personal volition- or is it all part of some larger plan devised by the immense intellect of Cerebrum?
