Rodney Lightfoot

Name | Rodney Lightfoot |
Race | Cereborg |
Type | Transmorphing Unit |
Faction | Cereborgs |
Premiere | Cereborg: Inception |
Relative(s) | Sani Lightfoot |
Rodney Lightfoot
"Sex robots! This can’t be real! Meg, I am sorry I can’t—"
Cereborg: Inception
In Cereborg: Inception, Rodney is locked in a lab room with his lab partner, Megan Smith. When a Cereborged Emily Harbrook smashes in, he goes to protect Megan.
Rodney is a young Ute man, 25 years old. After the conversion, he became the first Transmorphing Unit.
Rodney Lightfoot was born on a Native American reservation in Utah. He grew up alongside his brothers, but unlike them, he did not have the build and desire for hunting. His grandfather, Sani Lightfoot, spent much time abroad, and as Rodney grew older, he asked his grandfather why. Sani took the young man out into a desert in Utah known as Skinwalker Ranch near a Ute reservation. There, in a land feared by his people, his grandfather tried to explain that Rodney should stop trying to understand and build things that were not of nature. That he should listen to the winds, rocks, and trees, and embrace his heritage. Though Rodney witnessed strange visions that night, he refused to believe it was real, and continued working on his inventions.
His grandfather went off again, on some shamanistic journey or another, and never talked to Rodney again after the other elders spoke up that Rodney should be allowed to continue his studies. They saw Rodney as someone that might make the tribe proud out in the world, and he eventually went to college on grants. Right after graduation, CereTech scouts snatched him up and he loved working at the labs. However, on the day that Cerebrum attacked, Rodney found himself trapped in an observation room. When a Cereborged Emily Harbrook smashed her way into the room, true to his heritage, he bravely put himself between the cereborgs and his lab partner, Megan Smith. Emily injected nanites into his brain, and converted him into the very first Transmorphing Unit. His last coherent human thought was of his grandfather, Sani, and he wondered if the old man had been trying to stop that very moment from coming true.