Victoria Esposito

Name | Victoria Esposito |
Race | Human |
Type | Employee |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | Marie Esposito |
Victoria Esposito
"Literally, money may become worthless, and then, vicariously, I shall be rendered worthless."
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
In Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, Victoria is a very intelligent accountant. She works with Kloe Flanagan. She is encountered in the middle levels after having been brain-bugged by Thea.
Victoria is an attractive 29 year old with dirty blonde hair.
None Applicable
Notes and Trivia
Victoria is sister to the ill-fated television reporter Marie Esposito. The pair grew up in Queens, New York, and could not have been different. Marie always smiled, was outgoing, and she could walk up and talk to anyone. Victoria, however, was always an introvert. She liked reading, math, and very seldom smiled. A psychologist diagnosed her as a high functioning autistic, and she found some comfort in knowing that there was a reason that she had so much trouble understanding the people around her, even her family. She went to college after graduating a year early from school, became an accountant, and eventually ended up at the Erebus Building. The head accountant before her was an Akamanian, that is, they were used by Dagan and became a soulless puppet of the demon Aka Manah. So, when Dagan was arrested, the slot needed to be filled, and Kress hired Victoria. At first, it did not go well, because Victoria only used cold logic, and often tried to argue that Marlena should fire staff. However, Marlena hired Kloe, and made the two work as a team. It turned out to be a very intelligent move on Kress’ part, and the pair created accounting formulas that were works of art.
When she heard about the strange effect assaulting the world, she thought of her sister, Marie, for the first time in a year. Almost two years ago, her sister, a reporter, was covering the Giggler’s massive bomb attack, and she ended up trapped inside a hospital. Apparently, the Giggler found her, because on live television, Marie managed to do an interview. However, it turned into a scene out of a horror movie when the Giggler decided to have his way with Marie. Though the news agency shut off the live feed, footage was somehow uploaded online. Of course, Victoria had to see it for herself. The Giggler injected his chemicals into her sister, and then he began using her. However, within a few minutes, she started taking control and laughing hysterically. By the end, her sister had become a Giggle Girl. They never found her, so Victoria is certain Marie still follows her insane clown master. Victoria also, occasionally, gets calls from an unknown number that is just a woman laughing and hanging up.
Pushing the image from her mind, Victoria went to work, and acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. However, within, she was determining the statics and probabilities that the world markets would cease to be, and that she would no longer have work. Without accounting, she had nothing. Then she obsessed about meaningless her life was- until the Invaders arrived.
After the Invasion commenced, Victoria hid for over a day before Thea managed to find her. Delighting in being cruel, Thea had learned about the brain bugs, a source of nourishment to the Invaders, and she webbed a screaming Victoria. Thea molested Victoria, bruising her as the girl cried in pain. Then she set brain bugs nearby and watched the little creatures slowly crawl towards the girl, before turning to search for Justine again. Terrified, Victoria kicked at the closest bug, but it finally managed to scurry from sight. A few minutes passed as Victoria thought about her life, numbers, the bugs, and then she felt a prick on the back of her neck. She tried to move, but the webbing held her tight. She felt strange like pressure was being applied to the inside of her skull, and then she stopped thinking about numbers as much. Victoria focused on sex!
Brain-Bugged Victoria Esposito
Name | Brain-Bugged Victoria Esposito |
Race | Human |
Type | Infected |
Faction | Invaders |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | Marie Esposito |
"The wormies are still inside me."
After being brain-bugged, Victoria looks much the same. Bugs latch on to her breasts and neck now, and larvae can be seen squirming underneath her skin.
- Larvae Breeding Pit
Notes and Trivia
Justine stumbled upon Victoria, and saw no way to save the woman. Eventually, she became nothing more than a cow zombie- a meandering, brainless food source for her alien masters.