Thea Schaeffler

Name | Thea Schaeffler |
Race | Human |
Type | Employee |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
Thea Schaeffler
"Listen, you backwater hick, I don't have time to prattle on with you."
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
In Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, Thea is a snobby employee, and career rival to Justine Day. Thea was born in Germany, and her father is a billionaire. She never had to want or wait for anything, and her father spoiled her. This turned the little girl into a monster, which did not change when she became an adult. She speaks seven languages, owns large amounts of stock in some of the largest companies on Earth, and feels superior to anyone else around her. She feels that with her prestige and wealth, she should have been given Justine’s job, which she applied for, but Dagan Erebus met the fiery redhead, personally, and immediately hired Justine- with the foulest intentions in mind. Nonetheless, Thea wanted the position and such vehement jealousy cannot be hidden.
Thea is a 32-year-old blonde from Germany. She flaunts her wealth.
None Applicable
Notes and Trivia
Thea is the daughter of a German billionaire.
Thea and Silvie were the first two humans to be attacked by the spiders, and she was bit early on, giving her body far more time to mutate. Thea’s personality did not shift much, though her greed for money turned to greed for male seed and flesh.
Bugged Thea Schaeffler

Name | Bugged Thea Griffin |
Race | Alien |
Type | Hybrid |
Faction | Invaders |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
"Listen*Click*click*click Killing you will be, a pleasure."
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
When the invasion began, Thea was bitten by an Arachnodian (a type of spider Infectulon). At one point, she found Charles- whom she knew Justine loved, and Thea tried to bite him. When that failed, she bit his wife, and as he ran off, Thea knew Charles would die soon enough because his wife, Kira Morley would transform. Then, she voraciously hunted and consumed men, until Marlena, having been minded, came to Thea and ordered her to stop Justine. Of course, Thea’s hatred for Justine meant that order was personal, and she gleefully attempted to end the redhead’s life. In fact, Thea did not intend to change Justine into her spider sister- she planned to annihilate Justine utterly. Yet, as fate would have it, Justine looked into the eye of a Minder, and their essences joined on a mental level. The higher Justine climbed in the building, the closer to her Minder she came, and the more power flowed down their mind link. By the time she reached Thea, her Minder was deeply in love with her, and it helped Justine by allowing her more power. Thea had no idea Justine was becoming more than human, and it was Justine Day, not Thea, that walked away from the battle.
After her transformation, Thea's body becomes encased in an exoskeleton. Her eyes become deep pools of black, and her exposed flesh appears somewhat gray and dead. She also grew multiple scythe-like arms from her back that she utilizes as weapons.
- Unholy Strength and Speed
- Spider Claws
- Web Attack
- Poison Bite
- Hypnotic Gaze
Notes and Trivia
Thea's personality and drive helped her immensely even as a minion of the Infectulons.