Megan Smith
Name | Megan Smith |
Race | Cereborg |
Type | SCC Unit |
Faction | Cereborgs |
Premiere | Cereborg: Inception |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
Megan Smith
"You’re killing him!"
Cereborg: Inception
During Cereborg: Inception, Megan is in a lab room with her lab partner Rodney Lightfoot. When the Cereborged Emily Harbrook came in, Rodney went to save her. Emily caught up with her and converted her into a SCC Unit.
Megan was a 28 year old woman with a large chest. She was converted into a SCC Unit.
None Applicable
Megan grew up on the east coast, and always had an affinity for study. Though, to look at her, many would not see past her innate beauty, her mind always was her strongest asset. Her mind meant very little to Marv Everett when she started at CereTech and she had to politely decline his many advances. When she went to work that faithful day, she had no idea that she would become synthetic. After Cerebrum initiated his attack, and [[[Emily Harbrook]] became a cereborg, she smashed through a glass wall into the observation room where moments earlier, Megan had been studying the experiment. Her lab partner, Rodney, threw himself between her and the cereborgs, earning himself a swift conversion. After Emily finished with him, she converted Megan into a SCC Unit, and sent her out into the complex. Megan’s first victim was Dr. Jennings, but throughout the attack, she converted dozens of humans. Howard Wyatt eventually swept through the complex and Megan’s tale ended with a laser blast from his weapon.