Creature Types: Monsters

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Creature Types: Monsters

Creature Typing

In the Anaxverse, creature typing helps provide additional detail on a creature and what they are skilled at. All creatures have a typing in some way. Creatures typing encompasses both beasts and monsters, as well as other non human entities one may discover.

Monster Types

Throughout the lore of Brandon Somerville, there are a large variety of monsters prevalent. Many of these were released into the wild from the well-intentioned Siri Solen, who broke them out of a lab where they were being studied and tortured.


Aberrations are twisted creatures, morphed by the xenopox.


Afancs are dolphin like sea creatures, with much sharper teeth and batlike fins.


This crustacean flows along the ocean floor, attaching those nearby.


These sea creatures have green scaled skin, and a fin along their feet and backs. They have a rugged look.


Barghests are wolf-like beasts that goblins will ride. They are also the goodest of boys.


The Xenopox Virus was created at MedUSA, a laboratory, in Oregon, though as a company, its facilities are spread across the globe. The base of the chemical concoction was the actual poison of the snake god, Ophion. In ancient times, anyone that Ophion bit would become snake people, reptilians. They would bite others, and the further away from Ophion’s original victim, the less human traits the victims would keep and the more of a reptile they would appear.

The original poison used had come from an ancient unearthed relic. Using the poison as a starting point, MedUSA began testing and tweaking the properties. The original idea of the board of directors and several of the scientists was to find a way to resurrect the snake god himself, perhaps by cloning. However, all attempts using the poison, failed. They then tested the poison on animals and people. By studying the effects on a microscopic level, they grew to understand the properties of the substance better. It caused mutations of varying types and degrees based on mixing with the DNA of different organisms. After the lab was destroyed by Siri Solen, the supervillain, Dr. Demented, found a new base of operations.

His own reasons for working with MedUSA were his desires to raise his wife from the dead. She had been in cold stasis since the fall of the Nazis in Germany. He tirelessly strove to find a sequence of Xenopox that would revive dead tissue. He had also spent much of his time studying the works of Johann Conrad Dippel. Dippel had managed to find a way of using electricity along with injecting Nightbred blood into a cadaver to return it to life. However, Dippel gave up the practice after Karloff, his first success, proved to be too dangerous. Not having the heart to kill Karloff, Dippel sealed the monster away and changed his focus to the new steam technologies of the day. Dr. Demented managed to find the monster but that victory proved fruitless for raising his wife. However, he used some of Karloff’s blood- formerly vampire blood, and found that it affected the virus. It could completely reanimate dead flesh or even subsume living flesh turning the victims into ‘blood mutants’.

Biters are one such product of this experimentation. These were humans that Dr. Demented experimented upon by injecting the new strain of Nightbred infused Xenopox. Like most blood mutants, Biters are randomly mutated and grow a range of adaptations and cognizance. Generally, they have oversized mouths with massive sharp teeth. Tentacles tend to grow out of the victim’s body and wriggle and lash. Contact with any of its contaminated flesh with unprotected skin can result in the virus passing to the new host. As with all blood mutants and Xenopox strains, the afflicted mutate within minutes, becoming a new creature altogether and leaving their humanity forever behind.

Blood Hound

The Xenopox Virus was created at MedUSA, a laboratory, in Oregon, though as a company, its facilities are spread across the globe. The base of the chemical concoction was the actual poison of the snake god, Ophion. In ancient times, anyone that Ophion bit would become snake people, reptilians. They would bite others, and the further away from Ophion’s original victim, the less human traits the victims would keep and the more of a reptile they would appear.

The original poison used had come from an ancient unearthed relic. Using the poison as a starting point, MedUSA began testing and tweaking the properties. The original idea of the board of directors and several of the scientists was to find a way to resurrect the snake god himself, perhaps by cloning. However, all attempts using the poison, failed. They then tested the poison on animals and people. By studying the effects on a microscopic level, they grew to understand the properties of the substance better. It caused mutations of varying types and degrees based on mixing with the DNA of different organisms. After the lab was destroyed by Siri Solen, the supervillain, Dr. Demented, found a new base of operations.

His own reasons for working with MedUSA were his desires to raise his wife from the dead. She had been in cold stasis since the fall of the Nazis in Germany. He tirelessly strove to find a sequence of Xenopox that would revive dead tissue. He had also spent much of his time studying the works of Johann Conrad Dippel. Dippel had managed to find a way of using electricity along with injecting Nightbred blood into a cadaver to return it to life. However, Dippel gave up the practice after Karloff, his first success, proved to be too dangerous. Not having the heart to kill Karloff, Dippel sealed the monster away and changed his focus to the new steam technologies of the day. Dr. Demented managed to find the monster but that victory proved fruitless for raising his wife. However, he used some of Karloff’s blood- formerly vampire blood, and found that it affected the virus. It could completely reanimate dead flesh or even subsume living flesh turning the victims into ‘blood mutants’.

Blood Hounds are one such product of this experimentation. These were dogs that Dr. Demented experimented upon by injecting the new strain of Nightbred infused Xenopox. Like most blood mutants, Blood Hounds are randomly mutated and grow a range of adaptations and cognizance. Generally, they have four legs and an acute sense of smell. Their bites inject copious amounts of the virus. Contact with any of its contaminated flesh with unprotected skin can result in the virus passing to the new host. As with all blood mutants and Xenopox strains, the afflicted mutate within minutes, becoming a new creature altogether.


Bodachs are goblinoid creatures, though a little taller.


Bogarts are spear holding goblinoid creatures.


Broodmothers are bloated tick like spiders. Capable of supporting an entire colony of spiders and spider slaves, they can be ferocious. They can be found in the sewers.


Cailleachs are decrepit creatures, with magical abilities akin to witches. They are found in the mountains.


Cipactli are frog like fish, with sharp teeth. They are found in the sea.

Corpse (Demented)

The Xenopox Virus was created at MedUSA, a laboratory, in Oregon, though as a company, its facilities are spread across the globe. The base of the chemical concoction was the actual poison of the snake god, Ophion. In ancient times, anyone that Ophion bit would become snake people, reptilians. They would bite others, and the further away from Ophion’s original victim, the less human traits the victims would keep and the more of a reptile they would appear.

The original poison used had come from an ancient unearthed relic. Using the poison as a starting point, MedUSA began testing and tweaking the properties. The original idea of the board of directors and several of the scientists was to find a way to resurrect the snake god himself, perhaps by cloning. However, all attempts using the poison, failed. They then tested the poison on animals and people. By studying the effects on a microscopic level, they grew to understand the properties of the substance better. It caused mutations of varying types and degrees based on mixing with the DNA of different organisms. After the lab was destroyed by Siri Solen, the supervillain, Dr. Demented, found a new base of operations.

His own reasons for working with MedUSA were his desires to raise his wife from the dead. She had been in cold stasis since the fall of the Nazis in Germany. He tirelessly strove to find a sequence of Xenopox that would revive dead tissue. He had also spent much of his time studying the works of Johann Conrad Dippel. Dippel had managed to find a way of using electricity along with injecting Nightbred blood into a cadaver to return it to life. However, Dippel gave up the practice after Karloff, his first success, proved to be too dangerous. Not having the heart to kill Karloff, Dippel sealed the monster away and changed his focus to the new steam technologies of the day. Dr. Demented managed to find the monster but that victory proved fruitless for raising his wife. However, he used some of Karloff’s blood- formerly vampire blood, and found that it affected the virus. It could completely reanimate dead flesh or even subsume living flesh turning the victims into ‘blood mutants’.

Reanimated corpses are one such product of this experimentation. These were cadavers that Dr. Demented experimented upon by injecting the new strain of Nightbred infused Xenopox. Using techniques similar to Dippel’s including electrical currents, these ambling corpses sprung back to life. However, they were seen as failures to the doctor because they retain little to no personality. In fact, if no stimuli are present, they simply stand silently. Needing his dead wife’s mind intact, Demented finally gave up on using these as a means of giving her a new body. Abandoned, these corpses roamed the halls of the old Hawthorne Asylum until Demented’s defeat at the hands of Absinthe Van Gothen, whereupon he triggered a self-destruct sequence, blasting the building to bits and the undead corpses with it.

Cursed Treasure

Cursed treasure is a type of monster found in the sea. It is similar to the folklore of the mimic.

Dark Elf

Dark Elves are frost inclined, and can be seen as protectors.


These Nordic undead are guardians of their resting place. They can be encountered by ports and sea towns.


Dryads are powerful nature casters. They have green skin, and promote prosperity of their land. They tend to the forests, usually in conjunction with the elves that live there.


Dwarves are hardy creatures, with an affinity for metalworking. They build vast underground cities, and guard said cities with an iron defense. They can be found in the forest.


Elementals are creatures created from a core of the elements. There are various types, including: Rock and Fire.


Fairies are small, mystical creatures. They play tricks and are very mischievous, and tend to hang out in flocks. They can be found in the forest.

Filth Golem

Filth Golems are created of excrement and filth, animated by a single core. They attack with diseased attacks. They can be found in the sewers. These creatures serve the demon god Nergal.

Forest Elf

Forest elves are creatures of the forest. Using weapons from elements of nature, they try to promote the growth of nature in their lands. They can be found in forests.

Frost Giant

A giant creature that dwells in the high mountains.


Gators are ferocious animals, that can bite with extreme power. They are found in the sewers.

Gator Monster

Gator monsters are mutated gators, which are more humanoid. This gives them the mobility of land, with the power of a gator. They are found in the sewers.

Gator Mutant

Heavily mutated gators become giant behemoths, able to crush victims with ease. They are found in the sewers.


Ghosts are incorporeal spirits. They are not necessarily evil, and may simply be lost souls. They have memories of their past, and can interact with those that can commune with the dead.


Gnomes are small gray men with pointed colorful hats. They dwell in the forest.


All goblin-kin share some traits. They are usually much shorter and wirier than humans. They are generally very agile and belligerent. Goblin-kin have a certain, natural penchant for cruelty and anger. And, they are, by nature, all male, needing to capture and transform human women as a means to reproduce. However, that reproduction cycle is entirely faster than humans, and goblin-kin are typically born within a week of conception. This is due to their highly shortened chances for survival since they constantly kill each other. There are countless types of goblin-kin around the world, but they are all subterranean monsters, hating the sunlight and preferring to pilfer and kill at night. The final unifying trait which they all share is the uncanny and natural affinity for portal conjuration and teleportation. Almost any goblin-kin can open a portal, step through it, and appear somewhere else entirely.

In folklore a goblin is a monstrous creature that appears in the mythology of multiple European cultures, first attested in stories from the Middle Ages. They are ascribed various and conflicting abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. They are almost always small and grotesque, mischievous or outright malicious, and greedy, especially for gold and jewelry. In reality, goblins match that description rather well. The namesake of the goblin-kin race, goblins are the eldest of their kind. Like trolls, they formed from Nergalian plague; this infected a cadre of dwarves that had fought away a force of the demons. After they succeeded, they began mutating, and collapsed the cavern, however a few survived and now twisted and evil, they made their way into deeper places.

Goblins are cruel, twisted, and devious by nature. There are no naturally occurring goblins, but goblin shamans have found a magical rite that will change a human female into one of their own. They are the smallest of their race, but are also the most prolific. Many times, goblins can be found in swarms wherever trolls live. They form a type of symbiotic relationship, with the trolls capable of fighting larger enemies and the goblins as servants to perform tasks for their master.


The Xenopox Virus was created at MedUSA, a laboratory, in Oregon, though as a company, its facilities are spread across the globe. The base of the chemical concoction was the actual poison of the snake god, Ophion. In ancient times, anyone that Ophion bit would become snake people, reptilians. They would bite others, and the further away from Ophion’s original victim, the less human traits the victims would keep and the more of a reptile they would appear.

The original poison used had come from an ancient unearthed relic. Using the poison as a starting point, MedUSA began testing and tweaking the properties. The original idea of the board of directors and several of the scientists was to find a way to resurrect the snake god himself, perhaps by cloning. However, all attempts using the poison, failed. They then tested the poison on animals and people. By studying the effects on a microscopic level, they grew to understand the properties of the substance better. It caused mutations of varying types and degrees based on mixing with the DNA of different organisms. After the lab was destroyed by Siri Solen, the supervillain, Dr. Demented, found a new base of operations.

His own reasons for working with MedUSA were his desires to raise his wife from the dead. She had been in cold stasis since the fall of the Nazis in Germany. He tirelessly strove to find a sequence of Xenopox that would revive dead tissue. He had also spent much of his time studying the works of Johann Conrad Dippel. Dippel had managed to find a way of using electricity along with injecting Nightbred blood into a cadaver to return it to life. However, Dippel gave up the practice after Karloff, his first success, proved to be too dangerous. Not having the heart to kill Karloff, Dippel sealed the monster away and changed his focus to the new steam technologies of the day. Dr. Demented managed to find the monster but that victory proved fruitless for raising his wife. However, he used some of Karloff’s blood- formerly vampire blood, and found that it affected the virus. It could completely reanimate dead flesh or even subsume living flesh turning the victims into ‘blood mutants’.

Gorers are one such product of this experimentation. These were humans that Dr. Demented experimented upon by injecting the new strain of Nightbred infused Xenopox. Like most blood mutants, gorers are randomly mutated and grow a range of adaptations and cognizance. Generally, they have oversized upper bodies with massive arms. Contact with any of its contaminated flesh with unprotected skin can result in the virus passing to the new host. As with all blood mutants and Xenopox strains, the afflicted mutate within minutes, becoming a new creature altogether and leaving their humanity forever behind. Yet, gorers are known for absorbing their victims (or the gore left behind) into their own bodies, growing even larger in size. Because of this, gorers can have multiple limbs or heads.


Gremlins are small, comedic green creatures which can possess machines. Doing so allows them to instantly learn all the mechanics, making them prone at knowledge in regards to machines.


These creatures are frog like, but more decrepit looking. They live in the sea.


Harpies are a mixture of women and bird. They have talons, and can be found in the mountains.


Hobgoblins are taller than run of the mill goblins. They have quicker wit, and can behave in civilized society; though with a cunning mind.

Infected (Demented)

Infected are people whom have been transformed by an infector.


Infectors are xenopox mutations which latch onto the heads of their victims.


Infested are people whom have been infested by the xenopox serum.


Kobolds are cave dwelling goblinoid creatures.


Krakens are deep sea creatures, of monstrous size and the form of a giant octopus. They can tear apart entire boats, and are the doom of many a sailor.


Krakenites are lovecraftian sea creatures with mental powers, the body of a human and the face of a squid. They have large, bulbous brains for their heads.


Leshies are tree-like spirits with white eyes. They live in the forest.


A leviathan is a serpent like sea creature. With razor sharp teeth, it is a fearsome foe.


Mental attacking frozen men, who dwell in the mountains.


These creatures are a mixture between sea creature and viking. With a ferocious look and long green hair, they lash out with claws.


Mermaids are sea creatures with a human top half and a fish tail on the bottom. They are sexualized creatures, having magical abilities. They can transform females into more mermaids using their venom, and are carnivorous to men.


Like their mermaid counterparts, mermen are humanoid sea creatures. With finned hands and feet, they have great maneuverability.


Moles are underground giant creatures that can be mounted by a rider.


Mushdooms are mushroom like humanoid creatures. They dwell in the sewers.

Mushroom Master

This is an extremely infectious fungal monstrosity, able to convert organic life into mushroomed abominations. It can be found in the sewers.


Mushwombs are infected females. They have a fungal body and a mushroom capped head. They can be found in the sewers.


The nosferatu are shape-shifting vampires. They are gangly, but extremely strong creatures. Many of them are driven by pure instinct.

Nurse (Demented)

The nurses of the supervillain, Doctor Demented, are innocent women that he abducted and twisted to his will effectively turning them into henchmen to do his bidding. They are part of the collective term for his minions known as The Demented. He uses different methods or combinations to achieve his results. The doctor will use technology in some cases, for example his hypno-goggles, to weaken the resolve of the victim. In the case of more submissive minds, this can be enough to allow him to hypnotically suggest whatever he wants, thereby changing the thoughts of the victim. He developed tech that can be bolted directly into the skull and overthrows the neurons in the brain, changing the actual brain chemistry and this also achieves his dark goals. In the most willful and stubborn cases, or in the case of metahumans, the doctor will perform a lobotomy. In such a state, the patient no longer resists the doctor at all, but this often results in the Demented Psycho minions. Demented Nurses are completely loyal and the effect of their brainwashing is absolutely irreversible.


Nymphs are magical sea creatures. Using aquatic pulses and transformative magic, they seek to bolster their own numbers.


Ogres are massive, dumb creatures. They have immense strength and lack wit, making them a bit one track minded. They camp out in the forest.


Pixies are small green creatures with fairy wings. They are mischievous in nature, and live in the forest.

Plant Monster

This is a large venus fly trap, with sharp teeth and a tongue in place of the normal acid lining we expect.


The psychos of the supervillain, Doctor Demented, are innocent women that he abducted and twisted to his will effectively turning them into henchmen to do his bidding. They are part of the collective term for his minions known as The Demented. He uses different methods or combinations to achieve his results. The doctor will use technology in some cases, for example his hypno-goggles, to weaken the resolve of the victim. In the case of more submissive minds, this can be enough to allow him to hypnotically suggest whatever he wants, thereby changing the thoughts of the victim. He developed tech that can be bolted directly into the skull and overthrows the neurons in the brain, changing the actual brain chemistry and this also achieves his dark goals. In the most willful and stubborn cases, or in the case of metahumans, the doctor will perform a lobotomy. In such a state, the patient no longer resists the doctor at all, but this often results in the Demented Psycho minions. The effect of their brainwashing and brain damage is absolutely irreversible.

Rat Man

Rat men are mutated rats, that have taken a humanoid form. They fight with martial prowess, and can swarm their opponent. They are found in the sewers.

Rat Monster

Rat monsters are giant rats. They can be found in the sewers.

Rock Golem

Rock golems are animated beings of rock, driven by a central core. They are relentless fighters, and can be found in the forest.


Rusalka are drowned women, who seek to create more of their kind. They take on the appearance of a corpse in the body of water they were drowned, and then drown others who go to investigate the corpse. They are highly sexual creatures, and have access to hypnosis.


A yeti like character, prominent in the mountains.


Satyr are goatlike humanoids. They play the pan flute, able to serenade and hypnotize their victims as a result. They can be found in the forest.

Sea Monster

Sea monsters are draconic looking sea creatures. With fins and sharp teeth, they are not to be trifled with.

Sea Serpent

Sea Serpents are long, snakelike creatures with horns and sharp teeth. They dwell in the sea.


Sirens are vocal sea creatures. Able to captivate their victims with their screeches alone and transform them through their songs, they can be quite dangerous. They dwell in the sea.


Slimes are gelatinous creatures that can adapt to nearly any form. They cover a victim, drawing the organic material in. They are found in the sewers.

Slime Girl

Slime girls are slimes that have encompassed a female, taking on their form. They are more seductive, but just as corrosive. They are found in the sewers.

Slime Lord

A slime lord is a massive pile of ooze, formed into a bulky monstrosity. It sprays its own flesh as an attack, able to regenerate and corrode targets. It lives in the sewers.

Spider (Creature)

Spiders are 8 legged freaks. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. They're found in dark places, like the sewers.

Spored Spider

Spored spiders have been infected by a fungal disease. Dangerous and infectious, they lurk in the sewers ready to ambush prey.


The spriggan is a lean, agile goblinoid creature.

Test Subject (Demented)

These are people that Dr. Demented test his xenopox strain adaptions on.


Trolls are magical and physical powerhouses. They like riddles.


Ukupanipo are shark like creatures, muscular in nature and anthropomorphic. They have regular shark teeth. They live in the sea.


These feminines creatures have magical powers, and live in the sea. They are the embodiment of the element of water.


Werewolves are physically powerful creatures, blending the intelligence of humans with the strength and brutality of a wolf.


There are many types of witches. Many form into covens, and seek to bolster their numbers. Forest (or Plague) witches are led by Baba Yaga, and are created all looking like her perfect vision. They achieve this through the Baba Brew.


Vampires are amongst the oldest of the monsters here. With roots in ancient Egypt due to the goddess Nuit, there have been prominent vampires throughout history. They are a part of the Nightbred faction.


Vodyanoys are frog creatures, the size of a human. They have transformative magic. They dwell in the sea.


This are tree-like monstrosities, which absorb lifeforms into themselves. They can be found in the forest.


Female ice spirit, who attacks with an icy grip. They can be found in the mountains.


Zombies are reanimated creatures, and are part of the undead race. Their reanimation can be done magically, biologically, or electrically. Magical reanimation is most prevalent as rising corpses, subjected to the will of the reanimator. This is usually done through the power of a necromancer. Biological zombies are people that have been put in a state of mind akin to zombie behavior, with extreme cases including the decay of their bodies. Electrically produced zombies are created monstrosities, usually from the mind of a mad scientist. Using electrical pulses to mimic blood flow, the decaying internal organs can work anew.
