Katelyn Addams

Name | Katelyn (Kate) Addams |
Race | Human |
Type | Employee |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | Evelyn Addams, Brittany Addams, Luella Addams, Gloria Addams, Roger Addams |
Katelyn (Kate) Addams
"Not a day goes by that I do not think about Brit and Eve."
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
In Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, Kate is a good friend of Justine. She deals with the loss of her sisters throughout her story. When split on where to go next, Justine leaves Kate hiding under her desk while she goes to the sewers. Kate ends up bugged.
Kate is an attractive 25 year old woman, with dark auburn hair.
None Applicable
Notes and Trivia
Katelyn Addams is the lobby secretary at the Erebus Building. Kate is generally very happy, and she tries to keep an upbeat attitude. Kate’s best friend is Justine Day, and the two spend much of their time together. Justine has often tried to help Kate deal with the loss of her two sisters. They disappeared after visiting an island in upstate New York, and Kate blamed herself for quite some time. Her boss, Marlena Kress made Katelyn work that faithful Halloween day, or she would have been with her sisters, and even if she died too, at least she would know what happened. She continued working in the Erebus building, even coming to work amid rumors of the end of the world, and happily welcomed Justine as she does every day. However, she fears whatever is happening around the globe. Now, she sits, waiting for something unknown to happen, and thinking about her lost sisters, Brittany and Evelyn.
When Justine and Kate are in the lobby, they have trouble deciding where to go next. Justine decides to go towards the sewers, while Kate cowers under her desk. Maria soon finds Kate, and feeding her a slug, ends up slugging Kate.
Slugged Katelyn (Kate) Addams
Name | Slugged Katelyn (Kate) Addams |
Race | Alien |
Type | Hybrid |
Faction | Invaders |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | Evelyn Addams, Brittany Addams, Luella Addams, Gloria Addams, Roger Addams |
"Justine. You will join Us."
After being slugged, Kate adopts the look of the slimy, green skin. She has solid white eyes, and is more lustful in her actions.
- Unholy Strength and Speed
- Pheromone Attack
- Slimy skin
- Regeneration
- Corrosive Vomit
Notes and Trivia
When the building across the street exploded from the alien pod’s crash, Katelyn did not know what to do. She had a clear view of the street from her desk at the lobby, and dust and debris filled the air outside. She sat for almost fifteen minutes before it cleared enough she could see figures. Then the screams started. She saw people running to the right. Cars would not seem to start, and she saw people just abandon them and run down the road. Then the stair doors opened and she saw a blonde woman run past. She did not know her name, but she knew she drove a 1969 Charger. Then, she caught sight of Justine trying to flag the woman down. From Kate’s vantage point, it appeared snakes or something were leaping into the car. She began running towards the doors to join Justine, but, she saw her friend stop and gawk at something. Then Kate heard the car honk, and as Justine stepped back, the blonde woman seemed like a zombie.
Fearing for her life, she decided to just run back to her desk and try to hide. Justine ran inside, and spider monsters quickly followed. Justine took Kate’s keys and attempted to lock the lobby doors, and if Kate had not intervened, Justine Day would have been hypnotized by the spidery aliens, but she managed to break Justine from its hold, and they locked the door. The enraged creatures scurried up the side of the building out of sight. The two women tried to decide what to do, with Justine choosing to try to escape using the sewers. Kate felt too much fear and shock, and chose to hide under her desk leading to a bad end for her. A slugged Maria, from human resources, found Kate hiding and took one of the slimy creatures wrapped around her breast and fed it to an unwilling Kate. Maria stayed and watched with joy as another woman joined with the Invaders. When Kate’s dead eyes opened, she thanked Maria with a long, wet kiss, and told her that Justine had gone into the sewers. Maria, being full of slugs, gave chase, while Kate went upstairs to find more slugs for herself and to become a hybrid. Once she emerged from her cocoon, her sharp mind helped make her a powerful weapon for the invaders. She knew the layout of the building better than most and slugged several women. Then, her internal Master told her to fetch a spore pod from the landing site, which she and several other slaves complied. They brought them into the building to begin converting it into something more hospitable for their new owners. Next, Kate took the pod around and used it to turn several hapless women into spore builders. Then, using the glands she grew that produced pheromones, she went about systematically hunting men. She would then infect them with her spores, and lead them to the long hallway that leads to the middle floors. There, she would milk them of their semen to give birth to more slugs before throwing up her potent stomach acids. The men would melt into a protein rich green glop that the slugged hybrids would eat and bathe in for nutrients. By the time Kate finished these tasks, her Invader Masters had been informed to find Justine Day and enslave her.
The idea of betraying her dearest friend filled her with glee, and she searched about for Justine before finally deciding to block the only route to the second floor. She knew Justine’s plan was to go to roof if the sewers failed to lead her to safety. She and Justine finally met, and Justine managed to bash Kate’s skull in with a brick. However, the slugs give their hosts incredible regenerative abilities, and her cells soon repaired themselves. Justine ran away, and by the time Kate could control her body again, Justine was long gone.