Marley Getty

Name | Marley Getty |
Race | Human |
Type | Agent |
Faction | Nergalian |
Premiere | Cult of Corruption: The Summoning |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
Marley Getty
"This is what I have been waiting for. I want you to corrupt me!"
Pre-Cult of Corruption: The Summoning
Marley Getty grew up in a small rural town in the state of Oklahoma. A devout Christian family of the bible belt, her parents raised her with the strict conservative values of a Republican. However, as is usually the case, this extreme level of parenting, caused her to question and dislike herself. From an early age, she knew she liked women and men both, but her family would see her bisexuality as evil and brand her an abomination before ‘the lord’. She discovered, as she became a teenager, that she also liked mind control fetish erotica. Though she played the part of a good, Christian girl to her parents, in her own mind and fantasies, she would imagine herself partnering with demons or giving herself to Satan. It was so bad that it got her off.
As luck would have it, a group of teenagers formed a ‘Satanic Cult’. Almost childlike in nature, these teens had no clue that actual Satanists do not believe in devils and such, but being raised in an area of god fearing fanatics, they thought Satan was real and they could use his powers for their own gains. Marley found herself infatuated with this group, and she, like they, wanted to summon Lucifer. However, the myths of Satan and Lucifer were variants of Aka Manah! Their dark thoughts and desires for power were just what the old demon wanted! Again, foolishly unprepared and young, the teens used a Ouija board to reach the other side, and Aka Manah did what he does best- deceive!
Eventually, over the course of years, he took these poor souls and twisted them beyond recognition. Marley went home every night and would lay in bed for hours, her sex wet with juice, thinking about Aka Manah and the darkness he promised. Her fantasies were becoming realities, and when they grew strong enough with sin, he taught them the means to summon one of his lesser demons. The young adults had no real magic users among them, but they would be strong enough to summon something small. Aka Manah thought, of course, even one of his most paltry imps could enslave and reign in these hapless fools, giving him another foothold on the Earth. However, the BDA had arrived and monitored the eighteen year olds for a number of weeks. The imp had barely been giving physical form before the agents struck. The teens themselves tried to kill the agents, and they were naturalized. Marley, however, was always devious, and she cried and begged them to spare her. She lamented how these boys had used her- when in truth she gave them unbridled use of her body as long as they obeyed Aka Manah’s orders. The agents bought her story, and took her away giving her a new identity and life.
Though they spared her life, she found herself in a terrible place. When the agency trained her, they also subjected her to a number of blessings and enchantments that, in turn, blocked demonic magic from working on her! For over a decade, Agent Getty tried to find various ways to undo the blessings once she had been given her own area to hunt, but nothing worked. Many different entities died to her- only after she tried to give them her soul and body. However, her luck changed with Nergal. He was not just a powerful demon, but an actual god- something rare! When Daydream Sunflower alerted the authorities, they contacted Getty. Her pussy tingled at the thought of serving a dark god.
Cult of Corruption: The Summoning
In Cult of Corruption: The Summoning, Marley is a double agent working for the BDA. She approaches Bo Wyatt, asking to be corrupted. She discovered Bo Wyatt and Karen, even the location of the mansion before Mara Marek and the Washington D.C. agents even arrived! Then, she set about trying to lead them all on wild goose chases, while she did all she could to help Bo from the shadows.
In the end, Walter Riley, an astute detective discovered her trickery, but he feared accusing her too early. Walt is not generally liked by BDA agents because of his uncanny ability to solve mysteries before them. He took his time and tailed Getty. He recorded her trying to seduce Bo and promising to help him take over the world. And, when Bo’s conscience finally caught up to him, and he turned himself in to the BDA, he accused Getty of corruption. She denied it, but Walter showed Marek the evidence. Marley Getty found herself secured in the subterranean lair hidden beneath the Dallas FBI building.
Marley is a 35 year old woman, who has the appearance of a calm, composed agent.
- High Firearm Proficiency
- BDA Super Suit