Mercedes Everett

Name | Mercedes Everett |
Race | Human |
Type | Victim |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | The Anax: Call of the Cursed One |
Relative(s) | Marvin Everett, Fawn Everett, Ada Perrin, John Everett |
Mercedes Everett
"I have my scarf and sweater, and I am sooo cozy! This is going to be fun!"
The Anax: Call of the Cursed One
In The Anax: Call of the Cursed One, Mercedes is friends with Brittany Addams. When Evelyn Addams needs people to travel with her to Ghost Nook, Mercedes agrees. After the awakening of The Anax, Mercedes is able to survive by having a more helpful person stay close. It was in the Addam's House, when she was possessed by Gloria Addams, that Mercedes was claimed.
Mercedes is 21, and happily plays the look of a blonde bombshell.
None Applicable
Notes and Trivia
Mercedes was a member of Brittany Addams’ coven. She moved to New York City from California, and her father runs a company called Cerebrum Technologies. Her sister Fawn and her are both strange girls, though Fawn has always been more rebellious and Mercedes has always been daddy’s little girl. Her mother was once a brilliant scientist named Ada Perrin, of course she changed it to Ada Everett upon marriage. Originally, her mother was an outspoken advocate of feminism, but using his bimbofication beam (a machine that turns women into docile, ditzy sluts) Mercedes’ father, Marvin Everett, enslaved Ada. As her mind melted, he forced her to give up technology and become his wife. When his daughters were old enough and reached adulthood, Marv, mad with power, used his machine on his own daughters. Soon, they became thralls of their father- though Fawn managed to resist the machine’s power through her fierce will- it still caused her to lose her mind. Mercedes changed into a blonde bimbo, her only desires to have fun and serve her daddy.
She loved going shopping with her mom, getting their nails done together, and partying, but California got old, and her daddy wanted time to play with some of his girlfriends, so he had Ada and Mercedes move to New York City. They met Brittany and she read tarot cards for her mother. The pair believed anything Brittany ever told them- which led to the Mercedes’ dark fate.
Brittany’s sister, Evelyn Addams, a true necromancer- though where she obtained her power remains obfuscated- had been a member of a paranormal society known as the Female Phantom Finders. She had planned to summon and free a dark entity known as The Anax. However, Evelyn needed more people than in her group, so she reached out to Brittany. Brittany, meanwhile, saw this as an opportunity to gain even more control over her supposed coven of witches, and she invited them to come as well- including Mercedes. Together they went to Ghost Nook Island, and while there, the Anax rose from the Outer Darkness into the Physical World. Throughout the night he hunted and enslaved every one of the girls- one of them was Mercedes. The boogeyman uses fear as a means to force his will into the minds of his victims, where he corrupts and controls their souls.
Gloria Addams entered Mercedes’ body, and possessed her. Once The Anax was nearby, he claimed Mercedes and looked for her biggest fear. In Mercedes’ case he used her odontophobia to break her psyche and turn her into one of the Shadowed. The Anax brings Mercedes to a dentist's office. He tells her to sit, and finished working on his patient. As the patient passes Mercedes, she sees he drilled into each of their teeth. The Anax sits with Mercedes and mentions how bad her teeth are. He straps her in. He starts pulling out her teeth, but more keep filling in place. Her mouth starts to bleed. He gets a wrench, and starts pulling out every tooth. As Mercedes fear escalates, her face feels funny. Grabbing a mirror, she sees one eye has been replaced with teeth. She begs to be attractive again, and eagerly gives up her soul.
Shadowed Mercedes Everett
Name | Shadowed Mercedes Everett |
Race | Undead |
Type | Shadowed |
Faction | Shadowed |
Premiere | The Anax: Call of the Cursed One |
Relative(s) | Marvin Everett, Fawn Everett, Ada Perrin, John Everett |
"I'll fucking kill you!"
After becoming Shadowed Mercedes's skin turned gray, her eyes glowed green, and she acted more erotic.
- Unholy Strength and Speed
Notes and Trivia
Mercedes gleefully followed Brittany to Ghost Nook Island, and she watched, awestruck as The Anax appeared! Suddenly, Chelsea grabbed Mercedes’ arm, and pulled her through the dark woods. They spent hours wandering in circles before finally finding a road. Not knowing directions, they decided to go left, which led north. Eventually, they found the church, and as the pair of scared women passed by, they heard a piano make an enormous noise. Though Mercedes pleaded to keep going, Chelsea went to investigate and found The Anax hunched over Eve. Mercedes stood terrified, holding her ears as Chelsea screamed and shot The Anax. Suddenly, Chelsea turned and fired at Mercedes and Eve, and the pair fled into the night. They met up with Lexus and Madison in an old abandoned home, and from there, they made their way to the Addams house.
After her transformation, the Anax sent Mercedes into the caverns under the island, and she captured Madison. Then as she searched for Eve in the Haunted Woods, Kaya and Shiloh smashed into the trees near her, their bodies impaled on branches. They told her where to find Evelyn, and to beware of her magic. Mercedes then found a corrupted Eve, and prepared herself to attack. Just then, Eve squirted shadow slime all over her, and sent her to fight the other Shadowed. She did, until the slime finally dematerialized, and then attacked Evelyn again with all the other Shadowed. Like the rest, Eve banished her into the Outer Darkness. Occasionally, she misses shopping or wonders whatever happened to her sister, Fawn.
To this day, no living person knows of Mercedes’ cruel destiny, except for the lone survivor of that night, Evelyn Addams. However, as his daughter’s soul wanders the shadowy landscape of the Outer Darkness, Marv Everett feels regret for what he did to his daughter.