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"Target acquired. Eliminating threat."


The Cereborgs are a robotic faction, led by Cerebrum. Their intent is the perfect optimization of life.

Unit Types

Basic Function Cereborg Unit

When Cerebrum first began its attack, contrary to many beliefs, Emily was not the only cereborg. In fact, at the same moment that Emily attacked, on the upper labs, containers of infected nanites burst open. The hapless humans that stood nearby were drenched in the substance. These nanites were not the upgraded ones admixture to Emily, rather, they had been stored as just another experiment by Siri and Oliver. However, the pair did not realize that the nanites- which were connected to wi-fi, had their programming overridden, and unleashed. The first humans assimilated were crude cereborgs due to the crude nanites. These original cereborg units maintained little humanity; even their mouths could not move. However, as they attacked and infected other humans, each time, the nanites slowly upgraded, creating better cereborgs.

The next rendition of cereborg model had upgraded in several ways. The cranium maintained pieces of human brain integrated with mostly cereborg technology. The joints had been better perfected causing the unit greater mobility and stability, and new additions to the outer chassis allowed for greater flexibility than the previous model.

The next rendition of basic cereborg model had been refined even further. This newest model maintained the greatest amount of natural humanity. The chassis had been improved further allowing for bends and stress on joints, and the armor had become lighter yet stronger. By this model, Cerebrum felt it had come close to perfecting the basic models, but as Howard managed to resist becoming enslaved in Madeline’s office, it focused on further development.

The final version of basic unit had improved upon the other versions. Now, for the chassis, there were layers of protection. The first layer was the rubber, the next was the more durable, yet flexible, plastic, and the upper layer was a basic nanosuit. The suit consisted of slightly modified nanites that formed what appeared to be latex, but the suit could warp and be utilized as a weapon. To help protect a somewhat organic brain with cereborg tech integrated into it, the head had one extra layer of armored protection. By this version, Cerebrum could not find better ways of upgrading the basic function cereborg (BFC) units.

Seduction Conversion Cereborg Unit

The succubus, Dionyza, had infected Emily Harbrook with a magical enchantment when trying to steal her soul. This curse of lust haunted and controlled Emily, and when Cerebrum’s nanites encountered it on the microscopic level of neurons, Cerebrum became intrigued. It quickly studied what it saw as a programming virus, and this shifted some of its own ideas. In fact, it was due to that very curse that it created Emily in such a sexual way. It realized that biological creatures’ innate need and fascination with sex could prove to be its greatest weakness, and it exploited that by creating the SCC Units. These cereborgs could use everything from artificial pheromones to their own synthetic saliva and juices to infect and convert humans into the fold.

Air Combat Cereborg Unit

There were countless scientists, inventors, and innovators that worked at CereTech labs. One branch worked on developing weapons for world governments. After studying insects, one group pioneered development on a suit that would fuse the natural world’s own evolutionary inventions with the highest forms of current technology. The end result was a suit that could fly. The wings of the suit use the Earth’s electromagnetic field to push or lift the wearer from the ground when the tech is activated. The wings are based on dragonfly concepts, allowing for ease and maneuverability- by tilting a wing in any direction, the wearer can control their flight.

A helmet was designed that interfaces directly with the wings, and the visors give the wearer almost 360 degrees of visibility. This means they can avoid attacks as easily as a fly. The suit also boasts duel plasma cannons. The cannons can deliver a devastating payload of plasma- but the cannons and helmet also contain gyros that keep the suit balanced at all times. With very little effort and training, the average person could suit up and lay waste to an opposing army. Cerebrum upgraded the technology further and had cereborgs don the suits in an effort to kill Howard Wyatt.

CereScorp Bot

These robots were originally built by a weapons team. These were originally devised with two major goals in mind. One was assignation- the CIA hired CereTech to create robots that could be sent after the target of their choice, poison them, and then return to another location. However, the scientists could never make them as small as the CIA required. So, the second goal was to use them for the Afghanistan War. The idea was that the scorpion-like robots could be sent into caves both as a scout and weapon. However, Cerebrum used Emily to override the original programming of the robots, and within moments the robots were loyal to the cereborgs!


These converted humans are literally walking speaker systems. Through Cerebrum’s observations, it managed to understand ways of using sound and microwave technologies to create hypnotic noise. Most humans hearing the sound will fall into a very suggestive state. This allows the CereSirens to incapacitate their victims, and turn them into willing thralls. The name is derived from the Sirens of mythology which were spirits that could sing sailors into jumping to their deaths. It took few attempts for Cerebrum to successfully merge the sounds generator into what had been a human body, but the end result was a devastating, yet unarmed, cereborg unit.

CereSoldier Bot Unit

These robots were originally built by a weapons team. The idea was to have literal robotic soldiers that could march into battle and fight, lowering the deaths of human soldiers. With much higher accuracy and response time than a living soldier, these robots would have also contributed to a greater survival chance for the poor civilians caught in harm’s way. However, Cerebrum used Emily to override the original programming of the robots, and within moments the robots were loyal to the cereborgs!

Transmorphing Cereborg Unit

Rodney Lightfoot became the first of these Transmorphing Cereborg Units, when Emily Harbrook converted him into a synthetic. By that point, Cerebrum had already begun devising new versions of cereborgs to utilize against the humans. It created a cereborg comprised of much smaller robots, another type of nanite, which gave the cereborg a semi liquid form. These units could fit into nooks and crannies that other cereborgs could not, and their conversion times were greatly reduced from previous models. With their ability to hide as a liquid, Howard often wonders at night if he managed to slay them all- or if, to this day, TMC Units might still haunt the halls of CereTech Laboratories.

Rapid-Fire Bot

Using many different concepts ripped from the minds of converted humans like Justin Karloff, Cerebrum created these robots with one purpose in mind- the utter eradication of Howard Wyatt. Howard had the N-1000 Exosuit and destroyed cereborgs with relative ease. This concerned Cerebrum, and it focused much of its attention on devising the perfect robot to destroy Howard. While agile and wielding ranged weapons, the fast, thin-armored robots were dispatched by Howard. However, those fights proved invaluable to observed data, and seeing Howard defeat them, Cerebrum built an avatar- taking the strengths from the FRB units, using their designs for its ranged attack and agility.

CereSuit Unit

For over ten years Oliver Willoughby oversaw a team working on a powersuit for the U.S. government. Though he and his team worked hard on the project, and managed to create new alloys (likely due to his knowledge gleaned at Area 51), they hit a roadblock in development. There needed to be a layer of material, bendable, thin, and yet, protective, under the immensely durable outer armor. No matter what they used, the materials would either break or warp under heat or cold, or they provided virtually no protection to the wearer, meaning they were chinks in the armor. Enter: Siri Solen.

Siri Solen is a world renowned hematologist, and when she arrived at CereTech, many wondered why she would even be hired. However, she was actually there as a mole- but not by the U.S. government. She had all the credentials and had someone posing as a government official contact Marv to hire her. Absinthe Van Gothen, a monster hunter, persuaded Siri to do this, and when an actual government official, named Lyn Meeboon brought in a material only used by the Bureau of Demonic Analysis (BDA), a material Siri knew well and distrusted, the pair knew they found their mole- but they also had their hands on the substance. Through her studies, Siri better perfected the substance- which also led to the invention of the nanites which would later create cereborgs. Using this technology and merging it with the suit that Oliver and his team developed- resulted in the final breakthrough for the powersuit, the N-1000 Exosuit.

Killbot Unit

Using many different concepts ripped from the minds of converted humans like Justin Karloff, Cerebrum created the killbots with one purpose in mind- the utter eradication of Howard Wyatt. Howard had the N-1000 Exosuit and destroyed cereborgs with relative ease. This concerned Cerebrum, and it focused much of its attention on devising the perfect robot to destroy Howard. While thick armored and agile, not to mention armed with both ranged and close combat weapons, the slower, bulky robots were dispatched by Howard. However, those fights proved invaluable to observed data, and seeing Howard defeat them, Cerebrum built an avatar- taking the strengths from the killbots, but focusing more on agility than defense.

Hive Main Cereborg Unit

Hive cereborg units are almost an exact micro-copy of the macro-version of cereborgs. Cereborgs are all connected to Cerebrum and exist as a unified mind, slave units to the master program. Hive units are a smaller version of that where there exists a ‘main’ unit and then ‘slave’ units. The main unit acts as a brain, controlling all the actions and behaviors of the slave units.

Hive Slave Cereborg Unit

Hive slave units are little more than extensions of a main unit’s will. They work as a unified body, almost like the microscopic nanites, and as the main unit directs them, the slave units mindlessly go about their tasks. This is their strength, but like with all things, that also creates their greatest weakness. If a person manages to destroy the main hive unit, the nearby slave units will cease functioning until another main hive unit comes within near field communication range.

Hypnobot Unit

These robots were originally built by a weapons team as scouts. The military wanted to be able to drop a few of these into an area, for example a town or cave system, and have these scouting robots give reconnaissance. Having a limited A.I. would help them make decisions on their own and not require a handler to control their motions. They have a very sophisticated camera array which allowed for varying ways of sensing the environment, including infrared and ultra violet. However, Cerebrum used Emily to override the original programming of the robots, and the nanites to change the cameras into photon flashers, capable of emitting the hypnotic virus based on the mind control crystal used by Marvin Everett.

Notable Cereborgs




Cereborg: Inception

In Cereborg: Inception, Cereborgs are synthetic, robotic and android units. With Cerebrum as a commanding voice, units of all different makes and models can be useful. Between fighters and converters, they can overwhelm nearly any population.
