Warrior (Nightbred)

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Name Nightbred Warrior
Race Undead
Type Vampire
Faction Nightbred
Premiere Desideratum: Blood Bonds
Relative(s) None Applicable

The Warriors of Ivor are just that: these were some of the greatest foes that he ever managed to conquer. Turning them into his personal guard, Ivor uses them as his last line of defense. They are akin to the Blood Knights of the Countess Elizabeth Báthory, but they wear less armor for better mobility and are all female- just as Ivor likes them. They often have hundreds of years of fighting experience and can be incredibly difficult to defeat. Ivor was forced to deploy them as the Night Stalker, Absinthe Van Gothen, closed in on his position below the streets of Portland, Oregon in the Shanghai Tunnels.