
From The Anaxverse
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Name Virvir
Race Dwarf
Type Nature Spirit
Faction Independent
Premiere Desideratum: Blood Bonds
Relative(s) None Applicable

Virvir was born the daughter of the dwarven king, Mótsognir, lord of Myrkheim. She grew up with her many brothers and learned the ways of fierce combat and battle. Through many trials and tribulations, Virvir rose in the ranks and through grueling challenges became a gateway guardian. These guardian dwarves are revered in Myrkheim as heroes and almost worshipped in their culture for they will stay at that gate until the day the Earth itself ends. This way they build a defense against any beings, corporeal or otherwise, from breaching Myrkheim. Their greatest and most encountered threat comes from the goblin-kin and trolls that happen to dig and find the gateways. However, due to natural forces on Earth such as erosion or unnatural digging done by humans, some of these gateways are closer to the surface.

While in Portland’s Forest National Park, the monster hunter, Absinthe Van Gothen encountered such a shallow gateway as she sought glowing gemstones. Having used a magic bomb procured from the hobgoblin, Hobs Hornswaggle, she blasted her way into a rock chamber. That is when Virvir finally, after thousands of years, had her chance to prove herself. Needing no team or army to guard with her, the valiant and exceptionally powerful warrior stood her ground to do her duty. However, with the blessed enchanted Van Gothen blood in her veins and the cursed Blood Suit made of Vlad’s cursed blood on her body, Absinthe’s power proved greater than that of her adversary and she defeated the dwarf, and then ignorantly left, leaving the gateway exposed to anyone- or anything- that happened upon the small cave.