Valerie Dixon
Name | Valerie Dixon |
Race | Human |
Type | Employee |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
Valerie Dixon
"God has a plan, honey. The Lord may be coming to gather his flock."
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
In Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, Valerie was found locked in her office. Justine found her, and convinced her to escape. They ran into Kiki, where Valerie was enthralled, and minded.
Valerie is a 34 year old African American woman. From the south, she lets her religious views be a dominating personality value.
None Applicable
Valerie has a cross her daughter made at Sunday School.
Notes and Trivia
Valerie had a hard childhood, and was removed from her home and placed in foster care due to her father’s violence. She grew up poor, moving from house to house in Alabama, but she found solace in religion. Her idea of God made her feel safe and loved, and every night she prayed to Jesus. When she was old enough, she got a state grant and went to college. She graduated with a degree in business, and applied at Erebus along with several other places. When she got the job she moved to NYC, and has never looked back! She has three children, and they have much better lives than she ever did. She goes to church every Sunday, and she feels that ‘the rapture’ is in the process of occurring and that these are the end times.
Valerie was convinced by Justine to try to escape. Along the way, the two ran into a minded Kiki. Kiki hypnotized Valerie, then allowed a minder to control the woman.
Minded Valerie Dixon
Name | Minded Valerie Dixon |
Race | Alien |
Type | Hybrid |
Faction | Invaders |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
"When part of Us was human, it had been so stupid to worship flawed human constructs."
After being minded, Valerie's skin turned the same mottled, red color as the minders.
- Powerful Telekinetic Attacks
- Strong Physical Attacks
- Mind Control/Enslavement
Notes and Trivia
Valerie locked herself in her office and prayed as screams and panic raged outside. She believed that any moment the Lord would pull her into heaven. It did not happen. Kiki and Marlena even looked through the walls of her office, and saw her within, paying to her god, but they both deigned her unnecessary at the moment. However, Valeria believed it was the cross her daughter made her at Sunday School that protected her from the evil Invaders. Justine found Valeria, and Justine managed to talk her into trying to escape. Kiki stumbled upon the pair, and used her mental control to hypnotize and enthrall Valerie. Even though the devout Christian thought of lesbianism as a sin, vile and wrong, she eagerly lapped at Kiki’s tainted cunt. Eventually, her own Minder came and the pair Joined. Her new god, the Over-Master, now owned the woman, and she and her lover Kiki set out to stop Justine.
They killed Kenny, the man that Erica had been dating, as part of a concocted plan by Marlena. The idea was if Justine saw someone murdered in front of her, she might give in, but it had the opposite effect. Justine had grown less emotional because of all she witnessed and her bond with her own Minder, and focusing that energy, she fired a shockwave of energy down the hallway. It knocked Valerie and Kiki into the air and blasted them several meters down the hallway, allowing Justine Day to escape again.