Anathema Sadsallow

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Marioun Meldrum was born in the 1600’s in East Lothian, Scotland. At the time, charms and salves were typical along with written spells. Coming from a family of healers, Marioun was shocked to see women from the area taken and hanged for witchcraft. Becoming known as the North Berwick witch trials, her very family became the target of these trials. Her family had taught her healing magicks of the Inner Light. A powerful healer, she managed to save the lives of countless people and livestock in her area, even reviving some after they were killed by the Kirk (the Catholic Church). Around the time that she turned twenty, she met a woman named Eleanora Greenwood. Both of them witches, they set about trying to form their own coven. They met three other girls in time- Gwenhwyfar Pennoyer from Wales, Róis O'Reilly from Ireland, and Calybrid Mylecharane from the Isle of Man. Together, they formed a coven and did great works for the people of Britain. However, the witch trials escalated. People died in order to ensure that this coven could continue to help the poor and destitute.

However, the church authorities learned the names of the witches, and when they could not stop them, they went after their families. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, and Manx, their families were rounded up and slaughtered. The witches went into despair, forsaking the teachings that they had followed and instead turning to shadow. Marioun Meldrum changed her name to Anathema Sadsallow, and became a twisted version of her former self. Instead of healing sickness and disease, she used plague magicks to spread death and pestilence to the supporters of the church in revenge for what Christianity had done to her innocent, loving family. In time, the coven sisters would turn on each other, and for more than two centuries they seldom had contact. Anathema’s current whereabouts are unknown, but it is likely that she will be seen again.