Raymond Goldstein

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Name Raymond Goldstein
Race Human
Type Cultist
Faction Free Willed
Premiere Cult of Corruption: The Summoning
Relative(s) None Applicable

Raymond Goldstein

"It's time! It's time Bo- do it, do it now!"


Cult of Corruption: The Summoning

In Cult of Corruption: The Summoning, Ray is a friend of Bo Wyatt. His need for power has him trick Bo into summoning Nergal. He follows Nergal's will, corrupting more and more people.


Ray is a chubbier, male 29 year old.


None Applicable

Notes and Trivia

Ray was truly the instigator of all that has transpired in regards to Nergal and Bo. As a kid, he was Bo’s friend, along with the others, but when he realized Bo Wyatt had actual magical powers, he concocted a dark plan. He used translation programs on a computer as he flipped through the Codex Gigas. Eventually, he found Nergal’s spell. Everything he read looked promising; the world would fall to darkness, but a leader would emerge. According to the lore, the summoner would become Nergal’s chosen one and impregnate a woman that forever be his slave and lover. Then, Nergal would come to the Earth and his followers would live as gods forever. All this power and immortality sounded great- the only problem was Bo! He needed him to summon the demon, but wanted the power for himself. He decided he would simply let Bo summon the god, impregnate Karen, and then he would kill Bo. Compared to the heavy set Ray, Bo seemed weak and frail, and he imagined a knife through the heart would do the trick, but then, it spiraled out of control.


Ray was transformed into a Nergalian Demon after the initial summoning of Nergal. While the transformation wasn't seen in the novel, Ray became a heavily twisted version of himself.

Nergalian Raymond Goldstein

Name Nergalian Raymond Goldstein
Race Demon
Type Plague
Faction Nergalian
Premiere Cult of Corruption: The Summoning
Relative(s) None Applicable

"I will do nothing to jeopardize the Master’s will!"


After becoming Nergalian Ray's skin turned green, his face contorted, his ears pointed, and a horn grew from his head.


  • Unholy Strength and Speed
  • Infectious Fluids and Breath
  • Horn Attack

Notes and Trivia

Bo ran away without impregnating Karen! Ray had to rethink his strategy- he wanted the power for himself. Bo left Karen in a summoning circle, and in her new demonic body, she could not leave it. She had Ray break the circle and when he did, she simply blew air in his face. So vile and corrupted was she that he instantly succumbed to the corruption- in fact, he was corrupt to begin with! Suddenly, the idea of killing Bo no longer mattered. He wanted to help Nergal! After some time passed, Nergal called his forces back to the mansion, and used Karen to transform a group of mortals into demons and greater demons. Ray became a foot soldier of the Nergalian forces.
