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In North American folklore, sasquatches are hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures who reportedly dwell in the wilderness and leave behind massive footprints. Strongly associated with the Pacific Northwest (particularly Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia), individuals claim to see the creature across North America. This is not far from the truth. Sasquatches are North America’s bugganes. Though they are huge, they are also fast, wild, and can move through snowy terrain with ease. They tend to favor snow and mountains, and generally stay in small clans. As with most monsters, there are no female sasquatches, but they can breed with human females thanks to similar DNA. For this reason, they will abduct hikers, killing the male and spiriting away the females to their caves and dens in order to copulate. Chemicals in their semen make the human women docile and they never try to escape after mating. Absinthe Van Gothen fought sasquatches on Mount Hood when she came to save the barbegazi and Jacques Lombar from the dark elf, Adrasteia.