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All goblin-kin share some traits. They are usually much shorter and wirier than humans. They are generally very agile and belligerent. Goblin-kin have a certain, natural penchant for cruelty and anger. And, they are, by nature, all male, needing to capture and transform human women as a means to reproduce. However, that reproduction cycle is entirely faster than humans, and goblin-kin are typically born within a week of conception. This is due to their highly shortened chances for survival since they constantly kill each other. There are countless types of goblin-kin around the world, but they are all subterranean monsters, hating the sunlight and preferring to pilfer and kill at night. The final unifying trait which they all share is the uncanny and natural affinity for portal conjuration and teleportation. Almost any goblin-kin can open a portal, step through it, and appear somewhere else entirely.

In English folklore hobgoblins are often considered house spirits. For bits of food left out, they will do work such as dusting and ironing. In reality, they are unscrupulous, shifty tricksters that love nothing more than stealing. Always on the lookout for something to pilfer, they are excellent, immoral thieves. Hobgoblins usually speak with heavy Cockney accents and are sometimes confused by other races not understanding them. They are tall for goblin-kin and are around four feet tall. Very lanky, they have long fingers and hooked noses. They also have the ability to stealth in darkness. So long as they stick to the shadows of caverns or the night, they can be virtually invisible, which aids them in their favorite way of ending an enemy- a silent backstab.