Fiona Mulhern
Name | Fiona Mulhern |
Race | Human |
Type | Employee |
Faction | Free Willed |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
Fiona Mulhern
"Wouldn't it be great to just be swallowed up by something that runs your life for you, so you needn’t think anything, just obey?"
Pre-Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
Fiona has very high intelligence. She is a member of MENSA, and she graduated with a master’s degree in business and a second master’s in finance before the age of nineteen. She spends her time constantly, obsessively calculating numbers. Kress hired her and has been pleased with the results. Fiona hides a secret though- she desires to be a slave. This, in part, has to do with her very strict parents, but also, she tires of thinking. She has thought more at her age than others do in a lifetime.
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion
In Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, Fiona is an exceptionally bright woman. When the invasion hit, the closet-submissive, Fiona Mulhern, ran to hide like the others, however, once she learned that the aliens were enslaving women, she fought the urge to submit to them. Fiona hid on the upper floor with Jen and others, but Kress began patrolling for humans, and Minders oozed behind her. There were altercations, and a Minder found Fiona hiding in an office. She looked into its eye and the creature tried to exude control over her. As horny as the idea had first been to submit to the Invaders, now reality kicked in, and Fiona did not want to change! Her strong intellect helped her resist the Joining and she ran from the Minder as it chased her about the room, where she managed by luck to trap it inside a filing cabinet. The clarion call within her mind ordered her to release the Minder, and she spent more than a day fighting the urge. However, she could not bring herself to leave the room.
Stuck in a limbo hell between wanting to run away and wanting to stay near the very monster that desired to twist her into an aberration, Fiona remained tortured in the office. Justine happened upon her, and the two spoke. Justine told Fiona about her own Minder, and as her story went on, both women became hornier, wanting only to give in. Justine fought the urge and told Fiona to as well, but the Minder within the filing cabinet seized its chance, and tried to have Fiona seduce Justine. When that failed it ordered Fiona to grab Justine, but Justine used her psychic ‘time freeze’ ability, making everything near her simply stop inside time. Justine fled, leaving Fiona to her fate. When free of Justine’s power, the young woman rushed to the file cabinet wanting nothing more than to be Joined forever, and she got her wish promptly thereafter. With her high human intellect, she has made a formidable tactician for the Invaders, and Fiona has personally helped route many attacks on her alien masters.
Fiona is a young, 18 year old girl. She focuses more on her intelligence and work ethic over looks.
Strong intellect
During Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, Fiona managed to capture a Minder and lock it in a filing cabinet. She persevered past its mental attacks, until Justine came. They discussed the Minders, and Fiona had a moment of weakness. She went to seduce Justine, and was time-stilled as a result. By the time Justine left, Fiona rushed to the filing cabinet, actively allowing herself to be minded.
Minded Fiona Mulhern
Name | Minded Fiona Mulhern |
Race | Alien |
Type | Hybrid |
Faction | Invaders |
Premiere | Slugs and Bugs: Invasion |
Relative(s) | None Applicable |
"We are Joined. We serve the Over-Master."
After being minded, Fiona gains the mottled red skin and single green eye of the Minder that enveloped her.
- Strong Intellect
- Powerful Telekinetic Attacks
- Strong Physical Attacks
- Mind Control/Enslavement